Publications from 2024
Rural Business Development Corporation 2024 Annual Report, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Pasture data reconciliation of the South West Agricultural Zone of Western Australia September 2024, Tafesse Estifanos, Amir Abadi Ghadim, Paul Mattingley, Kate Pritchett, and Tony Della Bosca
Submissions from 2023
Western Australian sheep producer survey 2022, Janet Conte and Katherine Davies
Livestock management in 2023 - 2024, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Rural Business Development Corporation Annual Report 2023, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Western Australia’s Primary Industries: 2021-22 Economic Overview, D. Maharjan, S. Akbari, A.K. Abadi Ghadim, P. Mattingley, I. Wilkinson, J. Tan, J. Van Staden, and M. Radhakrishnan
Publications from 2022
Rural Business Development Corporation Annual Report 2022, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Cattle industry funding scheme annual report 2021/2022, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia and Cattle Industry Funding Scheme
Analysis of livestock movements and the benefits and costs of livestock standstills in Australia as part of the response to foot-and-mouth disease, Ann Seitzinger, Graeme Garner, Richard Bradhurst, Walter Okelo, and Michelle Rodan
Publications from 2021
A review of the economics of regenerative agriculture in Western Australia, Anne Bennett
Rural Business Development Corporation Annual Report 2021, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Submissions from 2020
2020 Lambing Survey, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Rural Business Development Corporation Annual Report 2020, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Submissions from 2019
Western Australian sheep producer survey 2018, Mandy Curnow and Janet Conte
Rural Business Development Corporation Annual Report 2019, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Analysis of the value of a ewe in the WA sheep industry, John Young and Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Submissions from 2018
Joining the dots on ten key northern beef futures informing studies, ACIL Allen Consulting
2018 Lambing Survey, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Rural Business Development Corporation Annual Report 2018, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Submissions from 2017
Collaboration and trust in the northern beef supply chain in Western Australia: Draft framework and plan, Jan Paul van Moort, Antonia Hodby, Nicki Mazur, and Peter Barnard
Submissions from 2016
Northern beef infrastructure audit: Infrastructure plan and business case summaries - Phase 4 final report, ACIL Allen Consulting Pty Ltd
Potential for rangeland grassfed assurance programs in Western Australia, Eric Broad
Department for Agriculture and Food – Northern Beef Futures: Valuing security of supply, Department of Agriculture and Food WA
New and innovative beef supply chains in Thailand, Carey Ramm
Submissions from 2015
Western Australian sheep producer survey 2014, Anne Jones and Mandy Curnow
Submissions from 2014
Report on the national producers and service providers surveys 2014: For the evaluation of the Sheep CRC Program 1, Anne Jones, Mandy Curnow, and Andrew van Burgel
Publications from 2013
Final Evaluation of the North East Agricultural Region (NEAR) Strategy, Andrew Blake, Don Burnside, and Vicki Williams
Western Australian farmer survey 2011, Mandy Curnow, Andrew Van Burgel, Jackie Bucat, and Anne Jones
Fresh Thinking 2013-2050, Victor Fazakerley and David Windsor
Submissions from 2012
Sheep: the simple guide to making more money with less work - Cereal-sheep zone of Australia, Bob Hall, Mark Ferguson, Mandy Curnow, and Andrew Thompson
Sheep CRC National Farmer Survey Results 2011, Anne Jones and Mandy Curnow
Publications from 2011
Horse Alert WA, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
Publications from 2010
Framework for developing climate change adaptation strategies and action plans for agriculture in Western Australia, Damien Hills and Anne Bennett
Submissions from 2009
Wool Desk Report February 2009: Time of lambing in Australian flocks, Keith Croker; Kimbal Curtis; Jane Speijers; and Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
Wool Desk Report June 2009: Flock demographics and producer intentions - February 2009 national survey results, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia and Kimbal Curtis
Publications from 2008
Pastoral profits guide, a paddock guide to achieving sustainable livestock productivity, Mark Alchin, Jim Addison, Valarie Shrubb, Zac Cockerill, Matthew Young, Tim Johnson, and Greg Brennan
Evaluation of Lifetimewool: 2008 national farmer survey results, Anne Jones, Andrew van Burgel, and Gus Rose
Publications from 2007
Australian meat production and exports by state, Wim Burggraaf
Reports from 2005
Animal Health Laboratories service manual 2005-2006, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
Step workshops - guide for facilitators, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
Guide to growing summer grain & forages in the south coast region, Western Australia, Andrea Hills and Sally-Anne Penny
Increased demand for wool apparel in western european markets: effect on Australian wool auctions, Nazrul Islam, John Stanton, and Emma Kopke
Pastoral stock water workbook, T M. Sincliar and F A. Bright
The mineral status and health of sheep grazing on neutralised used acid amended pasture, Gerard Smith
Reports from 2004
A Low rainfall livestock option: analysis of fat tail sheep in the system, Evan Burt, Tanya Kilmister, and Matthew Young
Animal Health Laboratories service manual 2004-2005, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
Eradicating footrot from Western Australia - A farmer's guide, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
Characteristics of perrennial grasses [poster], T M. Lacey and Geoff Allan Moore
Re-assessment of carrying capacities in the Ashburton River Catchment, Alan L. Payne, A M E van Vreeswyk, and K A. Leighton
Reports from 2003
Wild dog control facts behind the strategies
Publications from 2002
Midland saleyard : review of saleyard options, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
Rangeways - community based planning for ecologically sustainable land use in the Western Australian goldfields, Alec Holm, Margaret H. Friedel, Donald Burnside, Jennifer Duffecy, David Fitzgerald, and Greg Brennan
Live export trade from Australia Summary Information 2001, R T. Norris, Greg Norman, and Meat and Livestock Australia
Pasture condition guides for the Pilbara, A L. Payne and A A. Mitchell
Reports from 2000
Pasture growth rates on farms in the south of Western Australia
Stocking rate guidelines for rural small holdings, Swan Coastal Plain and Darling Scarp and surrounds, Western Australia, Dennis van Gool, Ken Angell, and Lindsay Stephens
AGSTATS Northern Agricultural Region, Jill Wilson Dr
Reports from 1999
Rising above the herd - an analysis of the Western Australian beef and cattle industry
Change in agricultural values 1982/83 to 1995/96 - Western Australia, Graham Annan, Dennis van Gool, and Werner Runge
Social and economic data for regional and natural resource management in Western Australia's south west catchment : results of the 2006 landholder survey, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia; South West Catchments Council (W.A.); Michael Hanslip; and Australia. Bureau of Rural Sciences.
Reports from 1998
Supplementary feeding of cattle in the Rangelands
Total grazing management - Results and observations from the Pimbee Station trial
Live sheep trade from Australia summary information for 1997, R T. Norris and G J. Norman
Total grazing management : results and observations from the Pimbee Station trial, Damien Pearce, Geoff Elliott, and Robert Rouda
Monitoring the mineral status and health of sheep grazing on a rehabilitated bauxite residue stockpile and on alkaloam amended pasture, Gerard M. Smith
AGWEST Trade & Development AGTRADE DATABASE, Besko Trhulj and Rachel Hills
Pastoral resources and their management in the Sandstone-Yalgoo-Paynes Find area, Western Australia, A M E van Vreeswyk and P. T. Godden
Publications from 1997
Agriculture and the Western Australian economy : value added contribution of agricultural commodities, Nazrul Islam
Live sheep trade from Australia summary information for 1996, R T. Norris and G J. Norman
Atlas of Western Australian agricultural statistics 1994-95, Dennis van Gool and Werner Runge
Reports from 1996
Rural research for farm profit - thrid edition
Time of lambing: Extension manual, Keith Croker and Ian McFarland
Pilbara steer growth evaluation : 1994 - 1996, Wayne Fletcher, Brian McIntyre, Shane Cridland Dr, and J L. James
Atlas of Western Australian agricultural statistics 1993-94, Dennis van Gool and Werner Runge
Reports from 1995
Regional relativities of sustainable pastoral sheep production in Western Australia
Rural research for farm profit - second edition
Live sheep trade from Australia summary information for 1994, R T. Norris and Greg Norman
Live sheep trade from Australia summary information for 1995, R T. Norris and Greg Norman
Reports from 1994
A guide to floodplain cattle fencing
Registered fertilizers in Western Australia 1993-1996
Rural reseach for farm profit - first edition
Differences in productivity between flocks a comparative study in the Pilbara, John James
Live sheep export trade from Australia summary information for 1993, R T. Norris and Greg Norman
Pastoral resources and their management in the north-eastern goldfields, Western Australia, H J. Pringle
Reports from 1993
The Kimberley beef project: strategies for developing a profitable and sustainable pastoral industry
Installing photographic rangeland monitoring sites in grassland environments, Andrew McLaughlin
Live sheep trade from Australia summary information for 1992, R T. Norris and Greg Norman
Reports from 1992
Monitoring the grasslands of Western Australia
Phosphorus and sulphur nutrition in high rainfall pastures
The Surveillance of annual ryegrass toxicity in Western Australia - October 1991 to May 1992
Monitoring the grasslands of Western Australia, David Bearle
Rangeland Management in Western Australia, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia