Publication Date
DPIRD Collections
Animal production and livestock, Natural resources
Series Number
Small rural holdings are often owned by people who want to pursue a semi-rural lifestyle but who are inexperienced in land management issues. This can result in landholders stocking their properties with animals at rates higher than the land resources can sustain, leading to degradation problems such as soil erosion, water pollution and damage to vegetation. This document provides information and guidelines to help planners, developers, local authorities and land owners determine the base stocking rates for rural small holdings on the Swan Coastal Plain and Darling Scarp and immediate surrounds. The advice utilises Agriculture Western Australia’s rural stocking rate guidelines for rainfed pastures in the high rainfall areas (> 650 mm) in the south-west of Western Australia.
Number of Pages
stocking rates, soil types, small holdings, hobby farm, Western Australia
Agriculture | Soil Science | Urban Studies and Planning
Recommended Citation
van Gool, D, Angell, K & Stephens, L 2000, 'Stocking rate guidelines for rural small holdings, Swan Coastal Plain and Darling Scarp and surrounds, Western Australia', Miscellaneous publication 2/00, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia, Perth.
Maps are not included as part of the complete document download. If this report contains a map, it will be available in the individual parts list below. These maps are from page 32 and 33, Figures 2a and 2b.
Grouping of major soil-landscape systems in the north of the study area
Major_soil-landscape systems in the south Map 2 of 2.pdf (3994 kB)
Grouping of major soil-landscape systems in the south of the study area
You can find more information on soil-landscape systems and land capability for grazing on the department's NRInfo for Western Australia web page.
Open the map application, select the Soil - Land capabilities tab from the top right, check the box for Land capability - Grazing, and zoom in close to the area of interest to see the detailed mapping.