About Institutional Repositories

The Digital Library (repository) highlights and provides access to content created by current and former staff from the Department of Agriculture and Food in Western Australia (DAFWA), Department of Fisheries, and the Department of Regional Development that were merged into the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) in 2017.

DPIRD Digital Library provides open access to versions of affiliated publications where possible; ensuring content reaches a wide-ranging audience.

The repository can also be utilised as a publishing platform for e-journals, conferences and e-books. The submission, peer-review and publishing processes can all be managed via the platform. DPIRD Digital Library uses the Digital Commons platform.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are advised that the repository may include images, sounds, and names of deceased persons.

All users should be aware that certain words, terms, or descriptions may be culturally sensitive and considered inappropriate today but reflect the period in which they were written.

Institutional Repositories (IRs) bring together an institutions publications and research under one umbrella, with an aim to preserve and provide access to that research.


This information is not to be used or interpreted out of the provided context, and no inference is to be made from it. Although reasonable care is taken to make the information accurate, DPIRD does not make any representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose. Before using the information, you should carefully evaluate its accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance to your purposes. We recommend that before making any significant decisions based on this information, you obtain advice from the appropriate professionals who have considered your individual circumstances and objectives.

Old or archival publications

The information contained in older publications may now be several years old, and may have been wholly or partially superseded or built upon in subsequent work. Readers should be aware that more recent research may be more useful for their needs. You can filter content search results by date.