This page houses a range of content relating to Agriculture from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), Western Australia.

For further information go to our department's website.


Reports from 2023


Field Trials Report 2023: WA Farming Systems Project, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia

Reports from 2022


Bedstraw eradication program 2021/22: annual report to grain growers, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia


Cattle industry funding scheme annual report 2021/2022, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia and Cattle Industry Funding Scheme


Grains, seeds and hay industry funding scheme annual report 2021/2022, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia and Grains, Seeds and Hay Industry Funding Scheme


Sheep and goat industry funding scheme annual report 2021/2022, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia and Sheep and Goat Industry Funding Scheme


Skeleton weed program 2021/22 : annual report to grain growers, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia

Reports from 2021


Bedstraw eradication program 2020/21: annual report to grain growers, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia


Skeleton weed program 2020/21: annual report to grain growers, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia

Reports from 2005


Animal Health Laboratories service manual 2005-2006, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia


Deep drainage is it for me? Workshop manual for participants, Richard ODonnell


Diagnosing and ameliorating problem soils : decision tree on how to diagnose and ameliorate problem soils, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia


Distribution and Abundance of Pest Animals in Western Australia: A Survey of Institutional Knowledge, Andrew P. Woolnough, Garry S. Gray, Tim J. Lowe, Winifred E. Kirkpatrick, Ken Rose, and Gary R. Martin


Glossary of terms for use with the 'A million hectares for the future' salinity management workshops, Rebecca Heath and Paul Raper


Guide to growing summer grain & forages in the south coast region, Western Australia, Andrea Hills and Sally-Anne Penny


Improving profit in the flower growing business, Gerry Parlevliet


Increased demand for wool apparel in western european markets: effect on Australian wool auctions, Nazrul Islam, John Stanton, and Emma Kopke


Introduction to salinity - workshop development guide for facilitator, T M. Lacey


Introduction to salinity - workshop manual for participants, T M. Lacey


Lucerne is it for me? Participants notes, Richard O'Donnell


Lucerne - is it for me? - Workshop development guide for facilitators, Richard O'Donnell


Pastoral stock water workbook, T M. Sincliar and F A. Bright


Perennial grasses - are they for me? Workshop development guide for Facilitators, Trevor Lacey


Perennial grasses - are they for me? Workshop manual for participants, Department of Agriculture and Food, WA and Grains Research and Development Corporation


Step workshops - guide for facilitators, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia


The status and impact of the Rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus moluccanus) in south-west Western Australia, Tamara Chapman

Reports from 2004


A Low rainfall livestock option: analysis of fat tail sheep in the system, Evan Burt, Tanya Kilmister, and Matthew Young


Animal Health Laboratories service manual 2004-2005, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia


Eradicating footrot from Western Australia - A farmer's guide, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia


Evaporation basin guidelines for disposal of saline water, JDA Consultant Hydrologists and Edward Hauck


Groundwater trends in the Esperance sandplain and mallee sub-regions, John Andrew Simons and A Alderman


Pastoral resources and their management in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, A M E van Vreeswyk, Alan Payne, and K A. Leighton


Proceedings of the national workshop on footrot, Perth 19-21 August 2003, R K. Mitchell, A R B Higgs, and A R. Mercy


Re-assessment of carrying capacities in the Ashburton River Catchment, Alan L. Payne, A M E van Vreeswyk, and K A. Leighton


Spectacular recovery in the Ord River catchment, A L. Payne, I W. Watson, and P E. Novelly

Reports from 2003


Agricultural processing and the Western Australian economy, Nazrul Islam and Peter Johnson


Farming systems to manage salinity, research results 2003, Richard O'Donnell

Fruit development budget guide for the south-west of Western Australia


Greenhouse, land management and carbon sequestration in Western Australia, Department of Agriculture and Food, WA; Department of Conservation and Land management; Forrest Products Commission; Department of Environment, Water and Catchment Protection; and Anne Bennett


Greenhouse, land management and carbon sequestration in Western Australia, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia; Department of Conservation and Land Management; Forest Products Commission; and Department of Environment, Water and Catchment Protection


Living Standards and Western Australian Agriculture Research Overview and Key Findings, Nazrul Islam


Published Salinity Information and WA Farmers. an investigation into the effectiveness of current published salinity information, Stephen Lloyd


Sustainability Issues for Agriculture in Western Australia, Anne Bennett, Ross Kingwell, and Ross George


Wild dog control : facts behind the strategies, Peter Thomson

Wild dog control facts behind the strategies

Reports from 2002


Cauliflowers in Western Australia - an industry plan, Paul Mattingley


Developing an Environmental Management System (EMS) for Viticulture, Catherine Nind

Live export trade from Australia Summary Information 2001, R T. Norris, Greg Norman, and Meat and Livestock Australia


National and regional assessments of crop yield trends and relative production efficiency : Theme 5.1. Land use change, productivity and diversification, David Stephens


Pasture condition guides for the Pilbara, A L. Payne and A A. Mitchell


Rangeways - community based planning for ecologically sustainable land use in the Western Australian goldfields, Alec Holm, Margaret H. Friedel, Donald Burnside, Jennifer Duffecy, David Fitzgerald, and Greg Brennan


Review of soil conservation legislation : Carnarvon horticultural area, Jean-Pierre Clement

Statistical report for the Western Australian floriculture industry August 2000

Reports from 2001


AGWEST Revegetation Monitoring Activity, Caroline Hatherly, Tony Allen, and Neil Guise


Management of soil organic matter and gypsum for sustainable production in the Carnarvon horticultural district of Western Australia, R.S.B. Greene, A.J. Lin, and D. C. Parr

Management strategies for nutrient and sediment loss in the Ellen Boook catchment


Revegetation information and training needs of Western Australia's extension intermediaries : a qualitative and quantitative market research report, Stephen Lloyd

Reports from 2000

Community support for natural resource management

Deep drainage in south-west Western Australia - Making it work, not proving it wrong


Economics of oil mallees : report, Allan Herbert

Eucalypt woodlands - A guide to management


Identifying areas of agricultural significance, Ian Kininmonth

New beef zone - An analysis of the potential for beef and cattle industry expansion in the Western Australian wheatbelt

Pasture growth rates on farms in the south of Western Australia


Stocking rate guidelines for rural small holdings, Swan Coastal Plain and Darling Scarp and surrounds, Western Australia, Dennis van Gool, Ken Angell, and Lindsay Stephens

Reports from 1999


Cattle production in the Gascoyne and interior regions of Western Australia; a report on the Cunyu demographic study (1990-1998) and the Mt Clere Producer Demonstration Site (1993-1997), Andrew Thomson


Change in agricultural values 1982/83 to 1995/96 - Western Australia, Graham Annan, Dennis van Gool, and Werner Runge

Codes of practice for vegetable production on the Swan coastal plain

Mangoes at a glance from Western Australia

Rising above the herd - an analysis of the Western Australian beef and cattle industry

Swan Valley rural survey May 1999

The use of Bauxite residue as a soil amendment in the Peel Harvey coastal plain catchment - environmental monitoring report August 1999

Reports from 1998

Better planning for rural development


Live sheep trade from Australia summary information for 1997, R T. Norris and G J. Norman


Pastoral resources and their management in the Sandstone-Yalgoo-Paynes Find area, Western Australia, A M E van Vreeswyk and P. T. Godden

Report on degradation of the Southern River Wungong catchment Perth Western Australia

Supplementary feeding of cattle in the Rangelands

Total grazing management - Results and observations from the Pimbee Station trial


Total grazing management : results and observations from the Pimbee Station trial, Damien Pearce, Geoff Elliott, and Robert Rouda

Reports from 1997


Atlas of Western Australian agricultural statistics 1994-95, Dennis van Gool and Werner Runge

Economic considerations of land-use and landcare in the Peel-Harvey Catchment


Live sheep trade from Australia summary information for 1996, R T. Norris and G J. Norman

Making sense of land use planning for sustainable rural development


Phosphorus and nitrate loss from horticulture on the Swan Coastal Plain, Neil Clifton Lantzke


Soil information sheets for the northern agricultural areas, Natural Resources Assessment Group, Agriculture Western Australia and Landcare Western Australia

Reports from 1996


Atlas of Western Australian agricultural statistics 1993-94, Dennis van Gool and Werner Runge


Environmental Water Quality - a guide to sampling and measurement, Richard J. George, Davie Weaver, and James Terry

Esperance Downs Research Station - Salinity and water monitoring

Esperance regional catchment planning strategy


Fire management of spinifex pastures in the coastal and West Pilbara, John Stretch


Forty years of rangeland research in the Meekatharra and Wiluna districts (1956-1996), Andrew Thomson and John Morrissey


Pilbara steer growth evaluation : 1994 - 1996, Wayne Fletcher, Brian McIntyre, Shane Cridland Dr, and J L. James

Proceeedings - Trizane tolerant canola workshop

Rural research for farm profit - thrid edition


Soil information sheets for part of the Jerramungup agricultural area, Tim D. Overheu, Landcare Western Australia, and Jerramungup Land Conservation District Committee

Soil information sheets for the Mount Beaumont, mallee and Esperance agricultural areas


Soil information sheets for the Mount Beaumont, Mallee and Esperance agricultural areas, Department of Agriculture and Food, Landcare Western Australia, Esperance Land Conservation District Committee, and Mount Beaumont / Howick Catchment Group (W.A.)

The use of Bauxite residue as a soil amendment in the Peel Harvey coastal plain catchment - report on results of 1995 environmental monitoring program


Time of lambing: Extension manual, Keith Croker and Ian McFarland

Reports from 1995


Live sheep trade from Australia summary information for 1994, R T. Norris and Greg Norman


Live sheep trade from Australia summary information for 1995, R T. Norris and Greg Norman