Deep drainage in south-west Western Australia - Making it work, not proving it wrong
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DPIRD Collections
Natural resources
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In August 1999 the Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries established the Deep Drainage Taskforce to develop a protocol that: Coordinates deep drainage (including underground pumping of saline water and relief-wells) practices within catchment areas to maximise the benefits in treating salinity and waterlogging whilst taking into account the possible negative impacts offresh or saline water disposal.The scope of the Taskforce was the South-west Agricultural Region east of the Darling Scarp.The Taskforce was established in recognition that recharge control through revegetation and high-water-use farming systems will slow, but not prevent the inevitable extent that will become salt affected in the medium to low rainfall areas of the South-west Agricultural Region. Consequently, discharge management options (including deep drains, pumping of saline groundwater and relief-wells) will be required, for which there is increasing interest in the rural community, ranging from farm to sub-basin in scale.
Recommended Citation
(2000), Deep drainage in south-west Western Australia - Making it work, not proving it wrong. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 5/2000.