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DPIRD Collections

Natural resources

Series Number



These soil information sheets are produced for farmers in the Northern Wheatbelt. Each sheet summaries information on the particular soil's characteristic properties and associated land use suitability and management. A photograph of a representative profile is provided for each soil. Technical terms are defined in the glossary. Information is presented under the following headings: Soil series and group, occurrence, native vegetation, soil profile description, characteristic soil properties, soil classification (Australian Soil Classification and Northcote Principal Profile Form).

Number of Pages



Soil properties, Soil, Chapman Valley (WA : Shire), Land use planning, Irwin (WA : Shire), Mullewa (WA : Shire), Land use, Soil management, Mingenew (WA : Shire), Northampton (WA : Shire), Morawa (WA : Shire), Geraldton region (WA), Soil pH, Greenough (WA : Shire), Profiles, Revegetation, Soil types, Land management, Western Australia, Northern agricultural region (WA), Sustainability, Wheatbelt region (WA)


Agriculture | Earth Sciences | Environmental Sciences | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Soil Science

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