This page houses a range of content relating to Agriculture from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), Western Australia.
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Reports from 1995
Regional relativities of sustainable pastoral sheep production in Western Australia
Remnant vegetation and natural resources of the Blackwood River catchment an atlas, Shaun B. Grein
Rural research for farm profit - second edition
Soil Information Sheets for Ravensthorpe and Part of the Jerramungup Agricultural Areas, Tim D. Overheu and Landcare Western Australia.
Soil salinity assessment using the EM38 Field operating instructions and data interpretation, Don Bennett, Richard George, and Arjen Ryder
Soil salinity assessment using the EM38: Field operating instructions and data interpretation, D L. Bennett, Richard George, and Arjen Ryder
Reports from 1994
A guide to floodplain cattle fencing
Differences in productivity between flocks a comparative study in the Pilbara, John James
Horticulture in the Swan coastal plain
Live sheep export trade from Australia summary information for 1993, R T. Norris and Greg Norman
Pastoral resources and their management in the north-eastern goldfields, Western Australia, H J. Pringle
Preliminary vegetation and land use mapping in the Peel-Harvey catchment area
Proceedings of the Blackwood catchment remnant vegetation management workshop, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
Registered fertilizers in Western Australia 1993-1996
Rural reseach for farm profit - first edition
Reports from 1993
A simplified key for assessing the ecological significance of on-farm bush remnants in the wheatbelt, F Mollemans
Blackwood Catchment Drainage Workshop
Blackwood catchment river and foreshore management workshop
Byenup Hill catchment report : Carlecatup catchment land conservation district, Justin Hardy
Catchment management report prepared for the Dalwallinu Pithara land conservation district, Jenny Borger
Conservation for production : Kings Rocks catchment report, William Oldfield
Digital information in the Peel Harvey catchment area
Digital Information in the Peel-Harvey Catchment Area, Dennis van Gool
Installing photographic rangeland monitoring sites in grassland environments, Andrew McLaughlin
Live sheep trade from Australia summary information for 1992, R T. Norris and Greg Norman
Plant dynamic and interpretation in rangeland ecosystems
Soils manual north Stirling land conservation district, Justin Hardy and Peter J. Tille
The Kimberley beef project: strategies for developing a profitable and sustainable pastoral industry
The Mobrup catchment working plan - A resource inventory and strategies, Steven Garrad
Reports from 1992
Landcare in the midwest sharing in a sustainable future
Live sheep trade from Australia summary information for 1991, R T. Norris and Greg Norman
'Living soil' seminar, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
Monitoring the grasslands of Western Australia
Monitoring the grasslands of Western Australia, David Bearle
Navail Spreadsheet, S J. Burgess
Phosphorus and sulphur nutrition in high rainfall pastures
Preservation of wooden hive equipment, Lee Allan
Quest for Quality Operation Quality Wheat
Quest for quality operation quality wheat, Sue Bestow
Rangeland Management in Western Australia, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
The Surveillance of annual ryegrass toxicity in Western Australia - October 1991 to May 1992
The surveillance of Annual Ryegrass Toxicity in Western Australia October 1991 to May 1992, W D. Roberts
Visions for agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
Reports from 1991
Manual of field techniques in hydrology, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia. Division of Resource Management
Markets for Western Australian beef
Rangeland survey in Western Australia - History, Methodology and Applications
W.A. Cattle Industry Expo Feedlot Trial Results 1991/1992
Reports from 1990
Horticulture and the environment
The economic implications of BTEC destocking part of the West Kimberley cattle herd
Reports from 1987
Animal production in the spinifex and shrubland regions of Western Australia
Reports from 1986
Seminar proceedings: Goats and the farming system. Bridgetown, August 14, 1986, L J.E Karlsson
Reports from 1983
Pilbara coastal flora, G F (Gillian Frances) Craig, P A. Hesp, T W. Rose, and K Glennon
Reports from 1981
The agriculture and land description of the Midlands, Wongan Hills and Dalwallinu Districts of W.A., D N. Sawkins