Horticulture and the environment
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DPIRD Collections
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Environmental degradation, including nutrient enrichment, salinisation and siltation of waterbodies occurs throughout Western Australia. Nutrient enrichment has been demonstrated in wetlands, estuaries and ground water resources of the Swan Coastal Plain. An excess of nutrients in waterbodies, oreutrophication, causes algal blooms, fish deaths, noxious odours and may lead to problems with midge swarms. Nutrient inputs to the waterbodies of the Swan Coastal Plain are derived from many sources including urban and both broadacre and intensive agricultural landuses. Horticulture, although an essential and expanding industry in Western Australia, is an example of a nutrient intensive landuse.
Recommended Citation
(1990), Horticulture and the environment. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 20/90.