Publication Date


DPIRD Collections

Animal production and livestock, Natural resources

Series Number



Grazing the rangeland - towards and understanding, by Alec Holm and Donald Burnside Rangeland surveys, a basis for improved land use, by Peter Curry and Alan Payne. Monitoring Western Australia's rangelands, by Ron Hacker, David Beurle and Gorge Gardiner. Regenerating the rangelands, by Adrian Williams and Ron Shepherd. Station management planning in the rangelands, by John Morrissey. Planning for future development in the Murchison. Rangelands have many users. Plant regeneration and the control of dust on the South Common, Carnarvon, by Ian Watson. Mine dumps and dust towns, rehabilitation of mined areas and control of dust in the Goldfields. Rehabilitation of mined areas and control of dust in Kalgorlie Boulder, by Tony Peterson. Includes bibliography and suggestions for further reading. Insert panel includes a summary history ' A centruy of grazing use".

Number of Pages



Land management, Western Australia


Environmental Monitoring

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