
L J.E Karlsson

Publication Date


DPIRD Collections

Animal production and livestock

Series Number



Definition of goat fibre types - John Karlsson New breeding regulations for goats - Jim Maddams Requirements for keepign feral goats - David Rees Managing aspect of gaot farmining - John Karlsson Sheep and goat fibre market outlook - Peter Eckersley Review of the Australian goat meat industry - Larry King Goast establishment options and costs - Bruce Shields Economic comparison of mohair, cashmere and sheep - Garry Parlevliet Angora mohair breeders of Australia Litd - Graham Larke Australian cashmere industry - Tod Kirwan Worms in goats and their control - Joan Eggleston Selling cashmere through the ACMC - Lucinda Corrigan

Number of Pages



Agriculture | Sheep and Goat Science


A joint programme sponsored by the Bridgetown District Office of the Western Australian Department of Agriculture and Windmill Farms, Bridgetown.

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