Publication Date


Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Animal production and livestock, Apiculture, Biosecurity, pests, weeds and diseases, Grains and field crops, Horticulture, Natural resources, Viticulture


Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development


Perth, Western Australia


Chair foreword

I am pleased to present the 2023-24 Annual Report of the Rural Business Development Corporation (RBDC). The role of the RBDC is to administer approved assistance schemes, carry out research and give advice to the Minister for Agriculture and Food. As a board we are deeply committed to ensuring that the Corporation is responsive to the needs of the state’s regional and rural businesses and communities.

The Corporation’s support for rural businesses in WA, principally through the administration of financial assistance, remains as vital as ever. The past year has seen many of the state’s primary producers experience challenging seasonal conditions. The RBDC is pleased to be overseeing the 2024 Drought Response Interest Free Loan Scheme on behalf of the Western Australian Government. This scheme will enable businesses to cover the costs of stockfeed, water and transportation and complements the broader package of support to farmers. The Corporation was also represented on the 2024 Dry Season Taskforce and recognised this as an effective mechanism to share information and find ways to support the agriculture industry.

The RBDC has continued to administer the Australian Carbon Credit Units Plus stream of the Carbon Farming and Land Restoration Program. The program provides financial assistance for carbon farming projects that deliver Australian Carbon Credit Units in addition to one or more of the program’s five priority co-benefits. These include biodiversity and conservation, agricultural productivity, soil health, salinity mitigation and Aboriginal economic and cultural outcomes. With the third round of the program launched earlier in the year, it has been pleasing to see strong interest from the industry in new carbon farming projects.

I wish to acknowledge the contributions made by my fellow RBDC directors to the development of rural and regional intelligence and independent advice to support the minister.

I particularly wish to thank departing Director, Ms Tara Chambers, for her enthusiastic and pragmatic support to our operations since joining the board in 2019. I welcome the appointment of Ms Sue Middleton, who joined the board in 2023, and brings significant experience across agribusiness and regional development.

I thank the Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer, Ms Heather Brayford, for her close working relationship with the board and acknowledge the support provided to the RBDC from across the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.

Over the coming year the RBDC will be closely overseeing our current programs and continuing to examine opportunities for new supports to the industry. We will maintain our focus on collaboration with a range of key stakeholders to inform our advice to the Western Australian Government.

Andrew Clark

Number of Pages



rural business, primary industries, annual report, rbdc, western australia


Agribusiness | Agricultural and Resource Economics | Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Development Studies | Operations and Supply Chain Management

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