Publication Date
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Parts of WA have experienced below average rainfall resulting in feed limitations, with below average rainfall also predicted for the coming months. The feed shortage has been further compounded by limited slaughter space and reduced market prices for sheep.
Sheep industry economist, John Young, of Farming Systems Analysis Service was commissioned to look at the economics of some key decisions this season, taking into account current seasonal and market conditions.
WA sheep producers need to have plans in place early to monitor stock condition and make decisions about which classes of stock to keep. This will also include the feed and water required to see them through, and the resources available to aid in decision making. The information provided is of a general nature, and producers should use this in conjunction with advisors and other support resources to formulate a plan specific to their enterprise and financial situation.
Number of Pages
sheep producers, Western Australia, low rainfall, resources, economy
Agricultural Economics | Sheep and Goat Science
Recommended Citation
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia.
(2023), Livestock management in 2023 - 2024. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report.
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