Publication Date
Document Type
DPIRD Collections
Animal production and livestock
The purpose of this report is to: • provide information on current production of a key group of fruit and vegetables grown in Western Australia and the amounts consumed, some of which are imported; • estimate how much of these fresh fruit and vegetables will be required to meet WA’s demand in 2025 and 2050; • estimate the water and land resource required to grow these fruit and vegetables under current production systems and project the demand for these resources to 2025 and 2050; and • consider the competitiveness of various fruit and vegetable industries and their capacity to meet emerging food demand locally, domestically and worldwide.
Number of Pages
Horticulture, Fruit and vegetables, Future food, Western Australia
Agricultural Economics | Horticulture | Natural Resource Economics
Recommended Citation
Fazakerley, V,
Windsor, D.
(2013), Fresh Thinking 2013-2050. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report.
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Agricultural Economics Commons, Horticulture Commons, Natural Resource Economics Commons