Fisheries management papers (ISSN 0819-4327) deal with issues, discussions and strategies relating to the management of Western Australia's fisheries, pearling and aquaculture, and fish and fish habitats. This series contains draft strategies authored by working groups, as well as final strategies that have been agreed by the Minister for Fisheries.
Series from 2000
Management directions for Western Australia's recreational fisheries, Fisheries Western Australia
Protecting and sharing Western Australia's coastal fish resources. The path to integrated management., Fisheries Western Australia
Aquaculture plan for the Recherche Archipelago, Fisheries Western Australia.
The aquaculture of non-endemic species in Western Australia Silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus), Tina Thorne and H. G. Brayford
A quality future for recreational fishing on the West Coast., West Coast Recreational Fishing Working Group
Series from 1999
Review of the Western Australian pilchard fishery 12 -16 April 1999, K. L. Cochane
Management directions for Western Australia's estuarine and marine embayment fisheries : a strategic approach to management., Fisheries Western Australia
Abalone aquaculture in Western Australia : Policy guideline., Fisheries Western Australia.
Draft Shark Bay pink snapper management plan 1999, Fisheries Western Australia.
Summary of submissions to Fisheries Management Paper No. 126 : the South Coast Estuarine Fishery a discussion paper., Fisheries Western Australia.
Proposals for community discussion. A quality future for recreational fishing in the Gascoyne. A five-year management strategy for recreational fishing., Gascoyne Recreational Fishing Working Group
Developing new fisheries in Western Australia : A guide to applicants for developing fisheries., Lucy Halmarick
The translocation of barramundi. A discussion paper., Makaira Pty Ltd
The South Coast estuarine fishery. A discussion paper., Rod Pearn and Tony Cappelluti
Series from 1998
A strategy for the future management of the Joint Authority Northern Shark Fishery. A discussion paper., Tim Bray and Jo Kennedy
Summary of submissions to Fisheries Management Paper No 108 - issues affecting Western Australia's inshore crab fishery, Cathy Campbell
Future directions for the Rock Lobster Industry Advisory Committee and the Western Rock Lobster Managed Fishery, Kevin Donohue
Western rock lobster management - options and issues, Kevin Donohue
Guidelines for granting aquaculture leases., Fisheries WA, Aquaculture Development Council, and Aquaculture Council of WA
Opportunities for the holding/fattening/processing and aquaculture of Western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus), Fisheries Western Australia
Future directions for tourism at the Houtman Abrolhos Islands - draft for public comment, Le Provost Dames & Moore
Management plan for sustainable tourism at the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, Le Provost Dames & Moore
Management of the Houtman Abrolhos System., Kim Nardi and Abrolhos Islands Management Advisory Committee
Final report: Future management of the aquatic charter industry in Western Australia., Tour Operators Fishing Working Group
Series from 1997
Draft: Plan for the management of the Houtman Abrolhos Islands fish habitat protection area (Schedule 1), Abrolhos Islands Management Advisory Council and Fisheries Department of Western Australia
Management of the Houtman Abrolhos system, Abrolhos Islands Management Advisory Council and Fisheries Department of Western Australia
Issues affecting Western Australia's inshore crab fishery Blue swimmer crab (Portunus pelagicus) Sand Crab (Ovalipes australiensis), Cathy Cambell
Proposed voluntary fishery adjustment scheme. South Coast Purse Seine Managed Fishery., Committee of Management
Marine farm planning and consultation processes in Western Australia, Dave Everall
Management of the South Coast Purse Seine Fishery, J Fowler, K Donohue, R.C. J. Lenanton, M. Moran, and D Gaughan
Management options for Pilbara Demersal Line Fishing, Gaye Looby
A pricing policy for fisheries agencies, Management Committee of SCFA, Standing Committee of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SFCA), and Department of Primary Industries and Energy
Draft: Optimising the worth of the lobster catch: options and issues, Marec Pty Ltd
Management arrangements for the Western Rock Lobster Fishery for the 1997/98 season, F. B. Prokop
The aquaculture of non-endemic species in Western Australia, Tina Thorne
The aquaculture of non-endemic species in Western Australia Silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus), Tina Thorne and H. G. Brayford
Discussion paper: future management of the aquatic charter industry in Western Australia, Tour Operators Fishing Working Group
Abalone aquaculture in Western Australia. Discussion paper and draft policy guidelines., Cameron Westaway and Jeff Norriss
Series from 1996
Management arrangements for specimen shell collection in Western Australia, 1995, Jonathon HS Barrington and C A. Campbell
Offshore Constitutional Settlement 1995, H. G. Brayford and G. E. Lyon
A report on the issues affecting the use of the Dampier Archipelago, Peter Driscoll
Shark Bay management paper for fish resources, Fisheries Department of Western Australia and Department of Conservation and Land management
Shark Bay World Heritage Property: Summary of public submissions to the draft management plan for fish resources, Kevin A. Francesconi
Balancing the scales: access and equity in fisheries management - Proceedings of the Third Australasian Fisheries Managers Conference, Rottnest island, Western Australia, 2-4 August 1995, Patricia Summerfield
Fishermen's views on the future management of the rock lobster fishery: A report prepared on behalf of the Rock Lobster Industry Advisory Committee, The Marketing Centre and Rock Lobster Industry Advisory Committee
Series from 1995
Management of the Northern Demersal Scalefish Fishery, Jane Fowler
The impact of the new management package on smaller operators in the Western Rock Lobster Fishery, Ross Gould
West Coast Rock Lobster Fishery management plan 1995 - Draft for public comment, M. Moran
The best available information - its implications for recreational fisheries management, F. B. Prokop
Translocation issues in Western Australia: Proceedings of a seminar and workshop held on 26th and 27th September 1994, F. B. Prokop
The bag and size limit review: new regulations and summary of submissions, F. B. Prokop and J M. Collins
Management options (discussion paper) for the Shark Bay snapper limited entry fishery, Shark Bay Snapper Limited Entry Fishery Working Group and Doug Bathgate
Draft report of the South Coast Estuarine Fishery Working Group, South Coast Estuarine Fishery Workng Group
Report on future management options for the south west trawl limited entry fishery, South West Trawl Limited Entry Fishery Working Group
Implications of native title legislation for fisheries management and the fishing industry in Western Australia, Patricia Summerfield
Series from 1994
Management arrangements for specimen shell collection in Western Australia, Jonathon Barrington
Management of the marine aquarium fish fishery, Jonathon Barrington
Long term management strategies for the Western Rock Lobster (4 volumes) - Evaluation of management options (volume 1), B. K. Bowen and Rock Lobster Industry Advisory Committee
The Warnbro Sound crab fishery draft management plan., Fiona Crowe
Shark Bay World Heritage Area draft management plan for fish resources, Fisheries Department of Western Australia
Long term management strategies for the Western Rock Lobster fishery (4 volumes) - Law enforcement considerations (volume 4), Neil McLaughlan
Economic impact study - commercial fishing in Western Australia, Paul McLeod and Carmel McGinley
Future of management of recreational gill, haul, and cast netting in Western Australia and summary of submissions to the netting review, F. B. Prokop and L. M. Adams
Rock Lobster Industry Advisory Commitee Chairman's Report, October 1994 - The Western Rock Lobster Fishery - Management proposals for the 1994/95 and 1995/96 seasons, Rock Lobster Industry Advisory Committee and Peter Rogers
Series from 1993
The south west beach seine fishery draft management plan., D. A. Hall
The west coast shark fishery draft management plan., D. A. Hall
The introduction and translocation of fish, crustaceans and molluscs in Western Australia., Craig Lawrence
Review of bag and size limit proposals for Western Australian recreational fishers., F. B. Prokop
Review of recreational gill, haul and cast netting in Western Australia., F. B. Prokop
Chairman's report to the Minister for Fisheries on management recommendations for 1993-94 and 1994-95 western rock lobster seasons., Rock Lobster Industry Advisory Committee
Management proposals for 1993/94 and 1994/95 western rock lobster season., Rock Lobster Industry Advisory Committee
Management arrangements for the southern demersal gillnet and demersal longline fishery 1994/95 season., Southern Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Management Advisory Committee
Series from 1992
The Cockburn Sound Fishery Management Plan. Summary of submission and final recommendations for management., A. Millington
Rock Lobster Industry Advisory Committee report to the Minister for Fisheries April 1992, Rock Lobster Industry Advisory Committee
Management plan Kimberley Prawn Fishery., G. Stewart
Pearl oyster fishery policy guidelines (Western Australian Pearling Act 1990), Western Australian Fisheries Joint Authority
Series from 1991
The economic impact of recreational fishing in Western Australia., R. K. Linchner
A study into the feasibility of establishing a system for the buy-back of salmon fishing authorisations and related endorsements., P. J. Monaghan
The future for recreational fishing Final report of the Recreational Fishing Advisory Committee, Recreational Fishing Advisory Committee
The future for recreational fishing forum proceedings Saturday, 20 October 1990., Recreational Fishing Advisory Committee
Appendix to the final report of the RFAC. Statistical summary of public responses to key issues., Recreational Fishing Advisory Committee Western Australia.
A discussion of options for effort reduction., Southern Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline Fishery Management Advisory Committe
Management plan Kimberley Prawn Fishery., G. Stewart
Series from 1990
Freshwater aquaculture in Western Australia., Fisheries Department of Western Australia
Western rock lobster industry marketing report 1989/90 season., Marec Pty Ltd
Future policy for charter fishing operations in Western Australia., P. Millington
Long term management measures for the Cockburn Sound restricted entry fisheries., P. Millington
The future for recreational fishing : issues for community discussion., Recreational Fishing Advisory Committtee
Series from 1989
Commercial fishing licensing in Western Australia., Fisheries Department of Western Australia.
Fishing licences as security for loans., Fisheries Department of Western Australia.
Foreign investment in the rock lobster industry. A policy statement by Gordan Hill MLA Minister for Fisheries, Fisheries Dept. of Western Australia