Publication Date
Series Number
No. 52
Fisheries Department Western Australia
The Fisheries Department of WA and the Recreational Fishing Advisory Committee (RFAC), which is the peak body representing recreational fishers in WA, have been very pleased with the response to the implementation of two year review of recreational fisheries. Fisheries, RFAC and the fishing community recognise that the two year review was the first step in the continually evolving process of management of recreational fisheries. Since the new bag and size limit regulations were introduced in December 1991, there have been many suggestions for refinement and improvement. This management paper includes the most common and best suggestions for future management. The long term sustainability of the resource and the needs of recreational fishers must be carefully balanced to ensure quality angling for the foreseeable future.
Number of Pages
Fishery management, Fishery regulations, Recreational fishing, Western Australia
Aquaculture and Fisheries | Biology | Population Biology
Recommended Citation
Prokop, F B.
(1993), Review of bag and size limit proposals for Western Australian recreational fishers.. Fisheries Department Western Australia, Perth. Report No. 52.
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