Publication Date
Series Number
No. 69
In October 1992 a special Sub-Committee of the Rock Lobster Industry Advisory Committee was set up to consider and evaluate future management strategies for the rock lobster fishery. Pursuant to this the Director of Fisheries commissioned a marketing study that is the basis of this report. This study was commenced in early October 1993 and completed in May 1994. This study looked at the market implications of fishery's management strategies. In particular it assesses how the existing management structure limits the potential for the lobster industry to maximise the financial return, and in doing so provides an insight into the characteristics and behaviour of the market.
Number of Pages
Aquaculture and Fisheries | Biology | Environmental Policy | Genetics | Marine Biology | Population Biology
Recommended Citation
Marec Pty Ltd.
(1994), Long term management strategies for the Western Rock Lobster fishery (4 volumes) - A market-based economic assessment for the western rock lobster industry (May 1994) (Volume 3). Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Article No. 69.
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Aquaculture and Fisheries Commons, Biology Commons, Environmental Policy Commons, Genetics Commons, Marine Biology Commons, Population Biology Commons