Publication Date


Series Number

No. 139


West Coast Recreational Fishing Working Group




The West Coast Region between Kalbarri and Augusta offers a wide range of recreational fishing opportunities.The West Coast Region also receives more fishing pressure than any other, with an estimated 380 000 anglers fishing each year. Already, the signs of a fishery under pressure are showing. Catch rates of dhufish around inshore reef systems such as the Three-mile are a far cry from the 1950s and 60s when people beachlaunched wooden dinghies to fish the inshore waters for these highly prized fish. Increasing pressure on stocks has led to growing community concerns that the future quality of recreational fishing is under threat. The West Coast Working Group visited regional centres and met directly with recreational fishers to gain a better understanding of community views and issues surrounding the management of recreational fishing.

Number of Pages



Fisheries management, Recreational fishing, Licences, Resource conservation, Resource sharing.


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Natural Resources and Conservation


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