Fisheries management papers (ISSN 0819-4327) deal with issues, discussions and strategies relating to the management of Western Australia's fisheries, pearling and aquaculture, and fish and fish habitats. This series contains draft strategies authored by working groups, as well as final strategies that have been agreed by the Minister for Fisheries.


Series from 2010


Future management of the metropolitan recreational Roe's Abalone Fishery., Metropolitan Roe's Abalone Recreational Fishery Working Group.


Potential reallocation mechanisms for the transfer/and or adjustment of catch shares of sectors with application to the Western and South Australian Rock Lobster Fisheries. A discussion paper., Chris Reid


Shark Bay prawn and scallop fisheries: final review report, Western Australia. Department of Fisheries


Western Rock Lobster Fishery Harvest Strategy and Decision Rules Framework Proposals - a discussion paper, Western Australian Department of Fisheries

Series from 2009


Prawn aquaculture in Western Australia. Final ESD risk assessment report for prawn aquaculture., Department of Fisheries Western Australia


The South Coast Crustacean Fishery. A discussion paper., Department of Fisheries Western Australia


Finfish aquaculture in Western Australia. Final ESD management report for marine finfish aquaculture., Department of Fisheries Western Australia.


Integrated fisheries management. Allocation report Roe's abalone resource Perth Metropolitan Region., Integrated Fisheries Allocation Advisory Committee


Five year management strategy for the Recreational Trout Fishery. Discussion paper for public comment on future management., The RFAC’s Recreational Freshwater Fisheries Stakeholder Sub-Committee

Series from 2008


A strategy for managing the recreational catch of demersal scalefish in the West Coast bioregion., Department of Fisheries Western Australia


Finfish aquaculture in Western Australia. Final ESD risk assessment report for sea-cage and land-based aquaculture., Department of Fisheries Western Australia


A strategy for managing the recreational catch of demersal scalefish in the West Coast bioregion. Decisions by the Minister for Fisheries, Jon Ford (Minister for Fisheries; the Kimberley, Pilbara and Gascoyne)

Series from 2007


Plan of management for the Kalbarri blue holes fish habitat protection area, Department of Fisheries


Aquaculture of coral, live rocks and associated products. Draft final 'policy' paper., Department of Fisheries Western Australia


Shark Bay prawn and scallop fisheries. Draft review report, Department of Fisheries Western Australia


A sustainable future for fishing on Christmas Island. A draft five-year strategy for managing commercial, recreational and charter fishing., Department of Fisheries Western Australia.


Outcomes of the wetline review. The Minister for Fisheries’ decisions in relation to the future management of the West Coast and Gascoyne commercial “wetline” fisheries, Department of Fisheries Western Australia.


Management of the Houtman Abrolhos System. A draft review 2007 - 2017, Department of Fisheries (Western Australia) on advice from the Abrolhos Islands Management Advisory Committee


Managing the recreational catch of demersal scalefish on the West Coast. Future management scenarios for community consideration, Jon Ford (Minister for Fisheries; the Kimberley, Pilbara and Gascoyne)


Integrated fisheries management allocation report western rock lobster resource, Integrated Fisheries Allocation Advisory Committee

Series from 2006


Assessment of western rock lobster strategic management options. How do quota management systems work in Rock Lobster Fisheries? Vol. 4, Tim Bray, Steven Gill, and Ron Edwards


Proposed amendments to the fish resources management act 1994. Discussion paper., Department of Fisheries


Aquaculture of live rocks, live sand, coral and associated products. A discussion and draft policy paper., Department of Fisheries.


Assessment of western rock lobster strategic management options. An overview of bio-economic, sociological and comparative analysis. Vol. 1., Department of Fisheries.


A scoping paper : matters relevant to the development of a sustainable allocation and growout modul for Western lobster Pueruli, Department of Fisheries Western Australia


Draft policy on the granting, renewal and regulation of aquaculture leases in Western Australia. A discussion paper., Department of Fisheries Western Australia


Proposed fees and charges for Section 97 Aquaculture leases. A discussion paper., Department of Fisheries Western Australia


Outcomes of the wetline review. The Minister for Fisheries proposed decision for the future management of the West Coast and Gascoyne commercial 'wetline' fisheries, Department of Fisheries Western Australia.


Assessment of western rock lobster strategic management options. A bio-economic evaluation of management options for the West Coast Rock Lobster Fishery. Vol. 2, Economic Research Associates Pty Ltd


Fisheries Management Paper 217: Five year management strategy for the Recreational Marron Fishery - the Minister for Fisheries’ decisions in response to the final report of the RFAC Recreational Freshwater Fisheries Stakeholder Sub-Committee (Fisheries Management Paper No. 213), Jon Ford (Minister for Fisheries; the Kimberley, Pilbara and Gascoyne)


Assessment of western rock lobster strategic management options. A social assessment of coastal communities hosting the Western Rock Lobster Fishing Fleet. Vol. 3, Veronica Huddleston


Integrated fisheries management draft allocation report Roe's abalone Perth Metropolitan Region., Integrated Fisheries Allocation Advisory Committee


Fisheries Management Paper 213: A five year management strategy for the recreational marron fishing, RFAC Recreational Freshwater Fisheries Stakeholder Subcommittee


Recommended access and allocation criteria for the West Coast and Gascoyne Commercial 'Wetline' Fisheries. A report to the Ministry of Fisheries., The Commercial Access Panel.


Recommended management arrangements for the Gascoyne Commercial 'Wetline' Fishery. A report to the Minister for Fisheries., West Coast and Gascoyne Management Planning Panel.


Recommended management arrangements for the West Coast Commercial 'Wetline' Fishery. A report to the Minister for Fisheries., West Coast and Gascoyne Management Planning Panel.

Series from 2005


Western Rock Lobster Fishery - Ecological risk assessment 2005 report., Mark Burgman


Access and allocation arrangements for the Commercial 'Wetline' Fisheries. Proposals for discussion., Commercial Access Panel


Integrated fisheries management report abalone resource., Department of Fisheries


Integrated fisheries management report western rock lobster resource., Department of Fisheries


Management of the proposed South West Beach Seine Fishery. Management discussion paper., Department of Fisheries


Nature and extent of rights to fish in Western Australia. Final report., Department of Fisheries


A sustainable future for recreational fishing in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Proposal for discussion., Department of Fisheries.


Management of the proposed south coast trawl fishery. A discussion paper., Department of Fisheries.


Proposed implementation of sea lion exclusion devices in the western rock lobster fishery. Public consultation., Department of Fisheries.


A five-year management strategy for recreational fishing in the Pilbara/Kimberley. The Minister for Fisheries' decisions in response to the final report of the Pilbara Kimberley Recreational Fishing Working Group, Jon Ford (Minister for Fisheries; the Kimberley, Pilbara and Gascoyne)


A five year management strategy for recreational fishing on the South Coast. The Minister for Fisheries' decision in response to the final report of the South Coast Recreational Fishing Working Group., Jon Ford (Minister for Fisheries; the Kimberley, Pilbara and Gascoyne)


Integrated fisheries management. Draft allocation report. Western rock lobster resource a discussion paper, Integrated Fisheries Allocation Advisory Committee


A five-year management strategy for recreational fishing in the Pilbara/Kimberley region of Western Australia. Final report., Pilbara/Kimberley Recreational Fishing Working Group


Proposals for community discussion : a quality future for the recreational marron fishery : a five-year draft strategy to ensure the long-term sustainability of the marron fishery, Recreational Freshwater Fisheries Stakeholder Sub-Committee


A five-year management strategy for recreational fishing on the south coast of Western Australia. Final report, South Coast Recreational Fishing Working Group.


Proposed management arrangements for the Gascoyne commercial 'wetland' fishery. A discussion paper., West Coast and Gascoye Wetline Review Management Planning Panel.


Proposed management arrangements for the West Coast Commercial 'wetline' fishery. A discussion paper., West Coast and Gascoyne Management Planning Panel

Series from 2004


Future mangement arrangements for Western Australia's temperate shark fisheries., Jane Borg and R. McAuley


Draft aquaculture plan for Shark Bay., Department of Fisheries


Draft aquaculure plan for Exmouth Gulf, Department of Fisheries


Draft plan of management for the Kalbarri blue holes fish habitat protection area., Department of Fisheries


Fish stock and fishery enhancement in Western Australia. A discussion paper., Department of Fisheries


Fish stock and fishery enhancement in Western Australia. A summary report., Department of Fisheries


Plan of management for the Point Quobba fish habitat protection area, Department of Fisheries


Proposals for community discussion on the future management of pink snapper fishing in Cockburn Sound and surrounding waters, Department of Fisheries


The Hardy Inlet Estuarine Fishery management issues and options, Department of Fisheries


Proposals for community discussion : a quality future for recreational fishing in the Pilbara/Kimberley : a five-year draft strategy for managing the recreational component of the catch, Pilbara/Kimberley Recreational Fishing Working Group.


Proposals for community discussion - a quality future for recreational fishing in the South Coast. A five-year strategy for managing the recreational component of the catch., South Coast Recreational Fishing Working Group.

Series from 2003


Plan of management for the Miaboolya Beach fish habitat protection area, Shane Alymore and Sarah Anderson


Management of the proposed Geographe Bay blue swimmer and sand crab managed fishery., Jane Borg


Fisheries statutory management authority inquiry background paper, H. G. Brayford


Draft plan of management for the proposed Point Quobba fish habitat protection area., Department of Fisheries


The translocation of Golden perch, Murray cod and Australian bass, into and within Western Australia, for the purposes of recreational stocking, domestic stocking and commercial and non-commercial aquaculture. A discussion paper., Department of Fisheries


Aboriginal fishing strategy : recognising the past, fishing for the future. Draft report to the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Department of Fisheries., Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission., Fisheries Research and Development Corporation., and Department of Indigenous Affairs.


Draft Aboriginal fishing strategy. Frequently asked questions., Department of Fisheries., Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission., Fisheries Research and Development Corporation., and Department of Indigenous Affairs.


Inventory of the land conservation values of the Houtman Abrolhos Islands., Department of Fisheries. Western Australia

Series from 2002


Reseeding of grazing gastropods and bivalves into the marine environment in Western Australia, Jane Borg


Draft bycatch action plan for the Shark Bay Prawn Managed Fishery (Full report), Jo Bunting


Draft bycatch action plan for the Shark Bay Prawn Managed Fishery (Summary Report), Jo Bunting


Interim management arrangements for the commercial Mackerel Fishery. Ministers responses to the final report of the Mackerel Independent Advisory Panel. (Fisheries Management Paper 164), Kim Chance


Report of the Mackerel Independent Advisory Panel to the Executive Director, Department of Fisheries criteria for access and management arrangements for the proposed Interim managed Mackerel Fishery, Department of Fisheries


Report to the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries by the Integrated Fisheries Management Review Committee, Department of Fisheries


Review of recreational take of coral in Western Australia. A discussion paper., Department of Fisheries


The introduction and aquaculture of non-endemic species in Western Australia: the ‘Rotund’ Yabby Cherax rotundus and the All-male Hybrid Yabby. A discussion paper., Department of Fisheries


Draft plan of management for the proposed Miaboolya Beach fish habitat protection area., Department of Fisheries Western Australia


Fisheries envrionmental management plan for the Gascoyne region. Draft report., Dept. of Fisheries


Policy for the implementation of ecologically sustainable development fisheries and aquaculture within Western Australia, W. J. Fletcher


Processes for the allocation, reallocation and governance of resource access in connection with a framework for the future management of fisheries in Western Australia, Government of Western Australia Department of Fisheries


Workshop on Sustainable Development of Marine Fish Farming in WA, Peter Rogers and R Fletcher


The translocation of barramundi (Lates calcarifer) for aquaculture and recreational fishery enhancement in Western Australia., Tina Thorne


Discussion Paper : The translocation of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) into and within Western Australia., Western Australian Fisheries

Series from 2001


Fish protection measures to ensure fish for the future, Jo Bunting


Recreational fishing management strategy for the west coast. Minister's initial responses to final report of the west coast Recreational Fishing Working Group (Fisheries Management Paper No. 153), Kim Chance


Draft plan of management for the Cottesloe Reef proposed fish habitat protection area., Fisheries Western Australia


Guidelines for the establishment of a fish habitat protection area., Fisheries Western Australia


Plan management for the Cottesloe Reef fish habitat protection area., Fisheries Western Australia


Sustainable tourism plan for the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, Fisheries Western Australia


Final plan of management for the Lancelin Island lagoon fish habitat protection area., Fisheries Western Australia and Australian Marine Conservation Society Friends of Lancelin Island.


A five year management strategy for recreational fishing in the Gascoyne Region of Western Australia. Final report of the Gascoyne Recreational Fishing Working Group., Gascoyne Recreational Fishing Working Group.


A five-year management stategy for recreational fishing on the west coast of Western Australia, West Coast Recreational Fishing Working Group

Series from 2000


Western rock lobster management for seasons 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 : a discussion paper, Kevin Donohue


Information on quota management of Rock Lobster Fisheries in South Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand., Kevin Donohue and Eric Barker


Aquaculture plan for the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, Fisheries Western Australia


Management directions for Western Australia's coastal commercial finfish fisheries, Fisheries Western Australia