Publication Date


Series Number

No. 234


Department of Fisheries Western Australia




The Recreational Fishing Advisory Committee (RFAC) was concerned over the delay in time in progressing this issue and recommended that the issue of trout stocking for recreational purposes be progressed in isolation. This matter was referred to the Recreational Freshwater Fisheries Stakeholder Sub-Committee (RFFSS) to progress the recreational aspects of stocking trout within State public waters. This strategy represents a significant step in ensuring the appropriate level of management is provided for the translocation of trout into and within Western Australia for recreational purposes. It is also hoped that this policy will serve as a guide for the management and translocation of trout for domestic stocking. A policy for the translocation of trout for aquaculture purposes will be developed through a separate process. The release of Fisheries Management Paper No. 179 attracted a moderate level of comment with 17 written submissions being received from a variety of stakeholders.

The RFFSS have considered these submissions and taken into account the issues raised in developing the proposals contained within this paper. The RFFSS would like to thank those people and organisations that took the time to provide this valuable feedback.

Number of Pages



Salmon fisheries, Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Recreational fishing, Stock enhancement, Fishery managementCommunity participation, Western Australia


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Biology | Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Natural Resource Economics | Natural Resources Management and Policy


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