Publication Date
Series Number
No. 67
This report has been written following approval by the Minister for Fisheries of a recommendation by the Rock LObster Industry Advisory Committee that a major evaluation of future management options for the western rock lobster fishery be undertaken. The report provides background information on the management strategies and principles of the fishery, its stock status, the use of input and output controls and the size of the fishing fleet. The report concludes with an examination of the effect of maintaining effort (input) controls and moving to a system of variable effort (TAE/ITEs) or moving to direct (output) controls on the catch (TAC/ITQs) which could vary annually, and a discussion.
Number of Pages
Aquaculture and Fisheries | Biology | Environmental Policy | Genetics | Marine Biology | Population Biology
Recommended Citation
Bowen, B K,
Rock Lobster Industry Advisory Committee.
(1994), Long term management strategies for the Western Rock Lobster (4 volumes) - Evaluation of management options (volume 1). Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Article No. 67.
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Aquaculture and Fisheries Commons, Biology Commons, Environmental Policy Commons, Genetics Commons, Marine Biology Commons, Population Biology Commons