Publication Date
Series Number
No. 49
Fisheries Department Western Australia
This report outlines a management plan for the Kimberley Prawn Fishery which operates in Western Australia coastal waters of the Indian Ocean and Timor Sea, off the Kimberley coastline lying east of Koolan Island, 1230 45' east longitude and west of Cape Londondery, 1260 58' east longitude. Kimberley Prawn Fishery access restrictions were first specified in Western Australian Fisheries Notice No. 170 published in Governement Gazette No. 2 of 4 January, 1985. Present exploitation is low and access is limited to Western Australian Fishing Boat licences endorsed with transferable access to the Kimberley Prawn Fishery (9 trawlers) Trawlers with access to either the Shark Bay, Exmouth Gulf or Nickol Bay Limited Entry Prawn Fisheries (57 trawlers) Trawlers with Western Australian Fishing Boat Licences assigned with a Class B or Class C unit in accordance with the Northern Prawn Fishery Management Plan (107 trawlers) Representing a total of 173 trawlers.
Number of Pages
Fisheries management, Prawn fisheries, Kimberley - Western Australia.
Aquaculture and Fisheries | Population Biology
Recommended Citation
Stewart, G.
(1992), Management plan Kimberley Prawn Fishery.. Fisheries Department Western Australia, Perth. Report No. 49.
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