Works are published by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA and the former Department of Agriculture and Food WA.
Reports from 2001
Groundwater study of the Dowerin townsite, Louise Hopgood
Groundwater study of the Dumbleyung townsite, Ben Whitfield
Groundwater study of the Kellerberrin townsite, T Cattlin
Groundwater study of the Koorda townsite, Louise Hopgood
Groundwater study of the Lake Grace townsite, Damien Addison
Groundwater study of the Moora townsite, M Deshon
Groundwater study of the Mukinbudin townsite, F Lewis
Groundwater study of the Mullewa townsite, Russell John Speed
Groundwater study of the Narembeen townsite, Rosemary Knot
Groundwater study of the Perenjori townsite, Russell John Speed
Groundwater study of the Piawaning townsite, Russell John Speed and Ali S. Mahtab
Groundwater study of the Pingelly townsite, Edward K. Crossley
Groundwater study of the Pingrup townsite, D Pollock; Department of Agriculture, Western Australia; Louise Hopgood; F Lewis; Ali S. Mahtab; Anthony D. Barr; Muhammad J. Siddiqi; and Ron Colman
Groundwater study of the Quairading townsite, T Cattlin
Groundwater study of the Tambellup townsite, Ben Whitfield
Groundwater study of the Wagin townsite, Edward K. Crossley
Groundwater study of the Wongan Hills townsite, M Deshon
Groundwater study of the Woodanilling townsite, Ben Whitfield
Hydrogeological study of the Dongolocking Reserves, Dumbleyung, Western Australia, Ben Whitfield
Improved soil management and cropping systems for waterlog-prone soils : results of the 1999 season, Derk Bakker, Greg Hamilton, D Houlbrooke, and Cliff Spann
Lort and Young Rivers Catchment : catchment appraisal 2001, Jamie Bowyer and Esperance Catchment Support Team (WA)
Potential runoff accumulation in wheatbelt towns of Western Australia, Mahtab Ali, Travis Cattlin, Neil Coles, and Sharam Sharafi
Soil groups of Western Australia: a simple guide to the main soils of Western Australia (2nd edn), N Schoknecht
Yarra Yarra Catchment : rapid catchment appraisal report 2001, M Clarke
Reports from 2000
Investigation of the role of the Urella Fault and the impact of salinity development in the Nebru Catchment, Upper Arrowsmith, C E. McConnell
Predicted land use changes in agricultural areas of WA and resulting impact on the extent of dryland salinity, C E. McConnell
The Rural Towns Program : groundwater modelling : the Merredin catchment, J Matta
Reports from 1999
An assessment of the impact of Ophthalmia Dam on the floodplains of the Fortescue River on Ethel Creek and Roy Hill Stations, A L. Payne and A A. Mitchell
Coastal land and groundwater for horticulture from Gingin to Augusta, Dennis Van Gool and Werner Runge
Coastal Land and Groundwater for Horticulture from Gingin to Augusta, Dennis van Gool and Werner Runge
Land evaluation standards for land resource mapping : guidelines for assessing land qualities and determining land capability in south-west Western Australia, Dennis van Gool and Geoff Allan Moore
Observations of shallow groundwater contamination due to leakage of dairy effluent ponds on the Swan Coastal Plain, WA, Richard J. George Dr, D L. Bennett, J R M Bell, and Roger Wrigley
Results of the improved soil management & cropping systems for waterlog-prone soils project, Derk Bakker, G J. Hamilton, Peter I. Tipping, Cliff Spann, and Doug Rowe
Salinity and hydrology of the Fence Road Catchment : a focus catchment of the Blackwood basin, Ben Whitfield
Soil groups of Western Australia: a simple guide to the main soils of Western Australia, N Schoknecht
The salinity and hydrology of the upper Slab Hut Catchment, R Ferdowsian and A T. Ryder
Reports from 1998
Common conservation works used in Western Australia, M G. Keen
Groundwater trends in the agricultural area of Western Australia, R A. Nulsen
Inventory of sub-catchments within the Albany eastern hinterland, B Radys
Inventory of sub-catchments within the Oyster Harbour Catchment, B Radys
Inventory of sub-catchments within the Wilson Inlet Catchment, B Radys
Modelling direct episodic recharge in the Western Australian wheatbelt, F Lewis and Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology (Australia)
Observations on groundwater recharge in the Westdale catchment, M F. Lewis and C E. McConnell
Results of investigations into the groundwater response and productivity of high water use agricultural systems 1990-1997 1. Wooldridge/Wright's Catchment (Kojonup), A D. Smith, Richard J. George Dr, P R. Scott, D L. Bennett, R J. Rippon, and G J. Orr
Results of investigations into the groundwater response and productivity of high water use agricultural systems 1990-1997. 2. Souths' Catchment (Darkan), A D. Smith, Richard J. George Dr, P R. Scott, D L. Bennett, R J. Rippon, and G J. Orr
Results of investigations into the groundwater response and productivity of high water use agricultural systems 1990-1997 3 Hunts' Catchment (Frankland), A D. Smith, Richard J. George Dr, P R. Scott, D L. Bennett, R J. Rippon, and G J. Orr
Results of investigations into the groundwater response and productivity of high water use agricultural systems 1990-1997 4. TKK Engineering's Catchment (Williams), A D. Smith, Richard J. George Dr, P R. Scott, D L. Bennett, R J. Rippon, and G J. Orr
Results of investigations into the groundwater response and productivity of high water use agricultural systems 1990-1997 5 White/Beattys' Catchment (Dinninup), A D. Smith, Richard J. George Dr, P R. Scott, D L. Bennett, R J. Rippon, and G J. Orr
Results of investigations into the groundwater response and productivity of high water use agricultural systems 1990-1997 : 6. Summary of all sites, A D. Smith, Richard J. George Dr, P R. Scott, D L. Bennett, R J. Rippon, G J. Orr, and Peter J. Tille
Revegetation strategies for groundwater control in the eastern wheatbelt, C E. McConnell
The Physical and hydrological characteristics of a south coast sandplain site : east Howick site survey, Robert Anthony Sudmeyer
Reports from 1997
Catchments of the Esperance region of Western Australia, S T. Gee and John Andrew Simons
Evaluation of deep, open drains in the North Stirling area, R Ferdowsian, A T. Ryder, and J Kelly
Morilla Swamp hydrological investigation, Russell John Speed, E B. Lefroy, and John Andrew Simons
Native vegetation on farms survey 1996 : a survey of farmers attitudes to native vegetation and landcare in the wheatbelt of Western Australia, Suzanne Jenkins
Salinity and hydrology of the Mills Lake Catchment, R Ferdowsian and A T. Ryder
Salinity and hydrology of the Wamballup Swamp catchment, R Ferdowsian and A T. Ryder
The salinity and hydrology of Cranbrook, R Ferdowsian and A T. Ryder
The salinity and hydrology of the Tambellup townsite and Jam Creek Catchment, R Ferdowsian and A T. Ryder
Reports from 1996
An assessment of airborne electromagnetics for hydrogeological interpretation in the wheatbelt, Western Australia, Peter de Broekert
Assessment of the suitability for agriculture of the north-west Packsaddle area Kununurra, N Schoknecht
Assessment of the suitability for horticulture of the Packsaddle infill area, Kununurra, N Schoknecht
IMAGES 2.1 : an Integrated Model of an Arid Grazing System, Z G. Yan and K M. Wang
Increasing plant water use to reduce salinity : proceedings of a seminar held at the Esperance Civic Centre 31 July 1996, R J. short, Greening Western Australia, and Soil and Water Conservation Association of Australia. Western Australian Branch
Land capability assessment for the Wellington-Blackwood survey, Peter J. Tille
Soils of the Ivanhoe West Bank East Kimberley Western Australia, C Grose and N Schoknecht
Soils of the Knox Creek Plain East Kimberley Western Australia and Northern Territory, C Grose and Noel Schoknecht
Soils of the Mantinea Loop Ord River Valley East Kimberley Western Australia, N Schoknecht and C Grose
Soils of the Weaber Plain, East Kimberley, Western Australia, J C. Dixon
Reports from 1995
A key to the species of bluebushes (Maireana species) of the arid southern shrublands of Western Australia, H J. Pringle and R Cranfield
Environmental considerations for the proposed goldfields gas pipeline route through Wanjarri Nature Reserve, H J. Pringle
No-till sowing systems in North America with relevance to Western Australia, K J. Bligh
Parrot damage to bluegum tree crops : a review of the problem and possible solutions, P Ritson
Processing Results of western Australian Wool, John Stanton A/Prof, Lindy Coss, and Peter Metcalf
Remnant Vegetation Inventory on the Southern Agricultural Areas of Western Australia., G R. Beeston, G Mlodowski, A Sanders, and D True
Reports from 1994
Crop irrigation requirement program, P M. Aylmore, G J. Luke, and E J. Hauck
Floristic survey of Northern sandplains between Perth and Geraldton, Edward Arnold Griffin
Reports from 1993
A review of four on-farm water supply demonstration farms, M H M Casey and I A F Laing
Data set and code definitions for soil profile description : DAWA regional mapping program, B R. Purdie
Reports from 1992
Deep drains : a case study and discussion, Russell John Speed and John Andrew Simons
Floristic survey of remnant vegetation in the Bindoon to Moora area, Western Australia, Edward Arnold Griffin
Fodder trees and shrubs for high rainfall areas of south Western Australia, Daya Patabendige, P R. Scott, and Edward C. Lefroy
Groundwater investigations in the Jerramungup shire, S B. Martin
Influence of water supply on farm productivity in the north-eastern wheatbelt, E J. Hauck
Integrated catchment management : Upper Denmark Catchment, R Ferdowsian and K J. Greenham
LANDPROC (Version 3.2) : a land capability assessment program for a personal computer, T D. Overheu and B Kipling
Land reclamation in the North Stirling Land Conservation District, M F. Lewis and National Soil Conservation Program (Australia)
Land resources of the Kellerberrin region, William Morrison McArthur
Methods for calculating solar position and day length including computer programs and subroutines, M L. Roderick
No-tillage seeders and their adoption in North America with relevance to Western Australia, J K. Bligh
Soils of the East Beverley annex of the Avondale Research Station, Neil Clifton Lantzke
The role of trees in sustainable agriculture : a national conference : reprints of Western Australian papers, P R. Scott
Reports from 1991
Background papers to WAWA's south-west irrigation district strategy study, G J. Luke, I AF Laing, P R. George, G R. Olney, R L. Taylor, I F. Wilkinson, and P T. Arkell
Climate, physiography, geology, hydrology and land use in the North Stirlings area : a precursory report, R Lennard, R A. Nulsen, and C E. Southwell
Survey of irrigation efficiencies on horticultural properties in the Peel-Harvey catchment, S A. Milani
Tackling salinity on the Esperance sandplain, S J. Hearn and National Soil Conservation Program (Australia)
The Mallee Road catchment project, Rachel Siewert, S Abbott, National Soil Conservation Program (Australia), and R A. Nulsen
Transpiration and water relations of irrigated peach trees at Manjimup, Western Australia, P R. Green