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The south-western Woolbelt receives annual rainfall between 500-700 mm with long dry summers and cool wet winters. The dominant land use is grazing of Merino sheep for wool productiion, with smaller areas (5-15%) of cropping. All of the catchments selected were affected by salinity, but the extent and severity varied. In all catchments the location of the major expression of salinity was the valley floor.


South west region (WA), Soil salinity, Catchment hydrology, Water use efficiency, Williams region (WA), Kojonup region (WA), Eucalyptus globulus, Agroforestry, Tree planting, Salinity, Groundwater, Watersheds, Dinninup region (WA), Hydrogeology, Watershed management, Water use, Frankland region (WA), Darkan region (WA), Revegetation, Western Australia


Agriculture | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Soil Science | Water Resource Management


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