Publication Date
Series Number
A groundwater study was carried out in the townsite of Mukinbudin, Western Australia. The town does not currently have a salinity problem, but the future risk is not known. It aimed to accelerate the implementation of effective salinity management options. The study consisted of a drilling investigation, installation of a piezometer network, groundwater flow modelling and a flood risk analysis.
Number of Pages
Western Australia, Hydrology, Mukinbudin (WA), Hydrogeology, Groundwater recharge, Geology, Drainage, Towns, Salinity, Flooding, Groundwater
Agriculture | Hydrology | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Soil Science | Water Resource Management
Recommended Citation
Lewis, F.
(2001), Groundwater study of the Mukinbudin townsite. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 214.
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Agriculture Commons, Hydrology Commons, Natural Resources Management and Policy Commons, Soil Science Commons, Water Resource Management Commons