Works are published by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA and the former Department of Agriculture and Food WA.
Reports from 2007
Impact of more intensive grazing on nitrogen and phosphorus in shallow aquifers of the Southern Perth Basin, D L. Bennett, Patrick Donnelly, and Peter J. Tille
Managing hostile subsoils in the high rainfall zone of south-western Australia, Dennis Van Gool, Daniel Evans, Luke Vernon, J C. Dixon, Stephen Davies, and R J. Gilkes
Potential capture of surface run-off for reliable water supplies in the 500-825 mm rainfall zone of south Western Australia, D L. Bennett, Peter J. Tille, Ned Stephenson, and Tilwin Westrup
Rocky Gully catchment appraisal, J Lisson
Soil survey of the Bettink dairy farm, Riverway Road, Northcliffe, Peter J. Tille and Tilwin Westrup
Upper Pallinup area : catchment appraisal 2007, Shannon Sounness and Ben Whitfield
West Midlands region catchment appraisal 2007, Angela Stuart-Street and Northern Agricultural Region Catchment Appraisal Team
Reports from 2006
Current and future demand for irrigation water in Western Australia, Donna Brennan
Evaluation of the sustainable grazing on saline lands - WA Producer Network : influence on practice change and decision-making capacity, Rebecca Heath, Jamie Bowyer, and T M. Lacey
Hillman and Narrogin zones (Blackwood zones 8 and 9) : rapid catchment appraisal, Henry Brockman
Lake Bryde recovery catchment paleochannel drilling investigation, T Cattlin and Rosemary Nott
Lockhart catchment appraisal 2005, Susan Murphy-White and P Leoni
Natural resource management issues in the Avon River basin, Paul Galloway
Potential impacts of climate change on agricultural land use suitability : barley, Dennis Van Gool and Luke Vernon
Potential impacts of climate change on agricultural land use suitability : canola, Luke Vernon and Dennis Van Gool
Potential impacts of climate change on agricultural land use suitability : lupins, Dennis Van Gool and Luke Vernon
Potential impacts of climate change on agricultural land use suitability : oats, Dennis Van Gool and Luke Vernon
Preliminary groundwater investigation of the Beverley townsite, Edward K. Crossley
Ravensthorpe area catchment appraisal 2006, A Massenbauer
Social dimensions in rural land use management in the Avon River basin, B Toric
Soil-landscapes of Western Australia's rangelands and arid interior, Peter J. Tille
Surface water assessment for the Buntine-Marchagee Recovery catchment, R Short, P Whale, D Farmer, and N Coles
Water management plan for the Shire of Kent, Mark Pridham
Water management plan for the Shire of Lake Grace., Mark Pridham
Reports from 2005
Agricultural resource priorities and recommendations for the Avon River Basin Natural Resource Management Strategy, Paul D. Galloway, C E. McConnell, D W. Cummins, and K Ohlsen
Avon Hotham catchment appraisal 2005, S Sharafi, H Lauk, and Paul Galloway
Gibson oil mallee study : drill completion and preliminary hydrogeological interpretation report, John Andrew Simons, Peter Taylor, D L. Bennett, and Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management
Goodlands oil mallee study : drill completion and preliminary hydrogeological interpretation, D L. Bennett, Russell John Speed, Peter Taylor, Joint Venture Agroforestry Program (Australia), and Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management
Grass Patch-Salmon Gums area : catchment appraisal 2005, Angela Alderman
Greenough region catchment appraisal, Angela Stuart-Street and M Clarke
Groundwater study of the Boddington townsite, Gregory Paul Raper
Land evaluation standards for land resource mapping : assessing land qualities and determining land capability in south-western Australia, Dennis van Gool, Peter J. Tille, and Geoff Allen Moore
Major eastern wheatbelt soils to characterise soil moisture availability, Jeffrey Jon Russell
Natural resource management issues for the south coast regional strategy, B Nicholas
Pingrup townsite : drilling completion report, Louise Hopgood and Department of Agriculture, Western Australia. Rural Towns Program
Potential impacts of climate change on agricultural land use suitability : wheat, Dennis Van Gool and Luke Vernon
Salinity investment framework : agricultural land and infrastructure, Richard J. George Dr, Ross Kingwell, J Hill-Tonkin, and R A. Nulsen
Silcrete hardpan in the north-eastern wheatbelt : hydrological implications for oil mallees, D L. Bennett, Russell Speed, Adrian Goodreid, and Peter Taylor
Upper Yilgarn catchment appraisal 2005, Keith Ohlsen and Susan Murphy-White
Wagin-Woodanilling (zone 5) : catchment appraisal 2005, K Ohlsen, T Schulz, T W. Mathwin, Gina Pemberton, Henry Brockman, J Firth, Mitchell Davies, and Heather M. Percy
Reports from 2004
Agricultural sub-regions of the Avon River basin, Paul D. Galloway
Bremer-Gairdner catchment appraisal report 2003, Tim D. Overheu
Frankland-Gordon area : catchment appraisal 2003, Tim D. Overheu and Natural Heritage Trust (Australia)
Groundwater investigation Buntine-Marchagee Natural Diversity Recovery Catchment, Russell John Speed and M Strelein
Groundwater study of the Narrogin townsite, Edward K. Crossley
Groundwater study of the York townsite, Edward K. Crossley and Department of Agriculture, Western Australia. Rural Towns Program
Groundwater trends in the central agricultural region, S Ghauri
Infill groundwater study of the Quairading townsite, S Ghauri
Kellerberrin townsite test pumping results 2003, Louise Hopgood
Lower Yilgarn catchment appraisal 2003, D G. Cummins
Merredin townsite groundwater pumping and desalination pilot project, Rosemary Nott, Mark Pridham, Juana Roe, Jeff Ibbott, Alan Leeson, and A Leeson
Narrogin townsite test pumping results 2003, Louise Hopgood
Soil-landscape mapping in south-Western Australia : an overview of methodology and outputs, Noel R. Schoknecht, Peter J. Tille, and B R. Purdie
Soil survey of Vasse Research Station, Western Australia, M R. Wells and N L B Richards
South East Humps focus catchment report, A Hollick
South Yarding focus catchment report, A Hollick
Technical assessment of natural resource management threats and options in the northern agricultural region of Western Australia, Lorinda Hunt, G Patterson, and Northern Agricultural Catchments Council (WA)
Wetland basins for saline drainage water disposal Bodallin and Elachbutting Catchments, eastern wheatbelt, Western Australia, P de Broekert and N Coles
Reports from 2003
Albany eastern hinterland : catchment appraisal 2002, A T. Ryder and L Crossing
Assessing storage reliability of farm dams, D Farmer and N Coles
Beaumont-Condingup area : catchment appraisal 2002, A Alderman and Natural Heritage Trust (Australia)
Blackwood Catchment : Beaufort zone (zone 4) : catchment appraisal 2002, Henry Brockman, Blackwood Rapid Catchment Appraisal Team (WA ), and Natural Heritage Trust (Australia)
East Mortlock : catchment appraisal 2002, Don Cummins
Groundwater investigation on Victoria location 8565, East Binnu, Russell John Speed
Groundwater study of the Bullaring townsite, S Ghauri
Groundwater study of the Goomalling townsite, Russell John Speed
Groundwater study of the Nyabing townsite, Louise Hopgood
Groundwater test pumping in the Tambellup townsite, Louise Hopgood
High water use plant options for the Fitzgerald River catchment : a case study, P L. Hill and Nadene Schiller
Moore river : catchment appraisal 2003, A Alderman, M Clarke, Natural Heritage Trust (Australia), and Moore River Catchment Support Team (WA)
Natural resource management issues in the agricultural zone of Western Australia : south west region, B Nicholas, Paul Galloway, Peter J. Tille, Angela Stuart-Street, and Heather M. Percy
Predicting the effectiveness of farm planning at the Byenup Hill catchment using a groundwater model, Gregory Paul Raper and L M. Guppy
West Mortlock catchment appraisal 2002, D G. Cummins
Reports from 2002
Assessing chronological changes in remnant native forest at catchment level : a case study on the Toolibin catchment area, G R. Beeston and Graciela Metternicht
Blackwood Catchment : Katanning zone (zone 6) appendices : catchment appraisal 2001, Henry Brockman and Blackwood Rapid Catchment Appraisal Team (WA)
Cranbrook-Toolbrunup : catchment appraisal report 2001, Tim D. Overheu and Western South Coast Catchment Appraisal Team (WA)
Environmental impacts and production effects of subsurface drainage at an intensive apple orchard near Donnybrook, WA, D L. Bennett and Richard J. George Dr
Groundwater study of the Trayning townsite, Louise Hopgood
Groundwater study of the Wandering townsite, S Ghauri
Improved soil management and cropping systems for waterlog-prone soils : results of the 2000 season, Derk Bakker, Greg Hamilton, David Houlbrooke, and Cliff Spann
Land-use and vegetation in Western Australia : project DAW27 : National Land and Water Resources Audit, G R. Beeston, A JM Hopkins, and D P. Shepherd
Native vegetation in Western Australia : extent, type and status, D P. Shepherd, G R. Beeston, and A J M Hopkins
North Jerramungup Fitzgerald area : catchment appraisal report 2001 (reviewed 2007), Tim D. Overheu and Western South Coast Catchment Appraisal Team (WA)
Phillips Brook catchment appraisal, Paul D. Galloway
Profitable and productive farming systems for management of Nolba catchment, B R. Eastough and Nolba Focus Catchment Group
Soil groups of Western Australia: a simple guide to the main soils of Western Australia (3rd edn), Noel Schoknecht
South Broomehill-Gnowangerup area : catchment appraisal report 2001, Tim D. Overheu and Western South Coast Catchment Appraisal Team (WA)
Reports from 2001
Blackwood Catchment : Katanning zone (zone 6) : catchment appraisal 2001, Henry Brockman and Blackwood Rapid Catchment Appraisal Team (WA)
Esperance Downs Research Station : rehabilitation report, Harvey Jones
Extent and impacts of dryland salinity, C E. McConnell and R Short
Extent and impacts of dryland salinity, Rod Short and Cecilia McConnell
Groundwater study of the Bakers Hill townsite, Damien Addison
Groundwater study of the Beacon townsite, F Lewis
Groundwater study of the Bencubbin townsite, Cahit Yesertener; P Lacey; Shawan Dogramaci; F Lewis; Department of Agriculture, Western Australia. Rural Towns Program; Ali S. Mahtab; and S Sharafi
Groundwater study of the Bruce Rock townsite, Rosemary Nott
Groundwater study of the Carnamah townsite, Russell John Speed