Works are published by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA and the former Department of Agriculture and Food WA.


Reports from 2024


Western Australian soil groups - a diagnostic key to identify soils in Western Australia (5th edition), Paul Galloway, Dennis van Gool, Angela Stuart-Street, Edward A. Griffin, Shahab Pathan, and Noel R. Schoknecht

Reports from 2022


Investigations of the potential for irrigated agriculture on the Bonaparte Plains: hydrogeology, aquifer properties and groundwater chemistry, Don Bennett, Paul Raper, Robert Paul, Tim Pope, and Richard J. George Dr


Land and water resources for irrigated agriculture in the Pilbara, Paul Galloway, John A. Simons, Karen Holmes, and Dennis van Gool


Using Landsat satellite imagery to estimate groundcover in the grainbelt of Western Australia, Justin Laycock, Nick Middleton, and Karen Holmes

Reports from 2021


Assessment of soil sampling equipment for guiding fertiliser decisions, David Weaver, Robert Summers, David Rogers, Peta Richards, and David Rowe


Desktop review of groundwater prospectivity for irrigation in the lower De Grey River area, Don L. Bennett and John A. Simons


The potential of remotely sensed vegetation indices for monitoring pasture condition, Pouria Ramzi and Karen Holmes

Reports from 2020


Hydrogeology of the Gillingarra Palaeochannel, Russell Speed and Adele Killen


Soil amendment and soil testing as nutrient reduction strategies for the Peel Integrated Water Initiative, Robert Summers, Peta Richards, David Weaver, and David Rowe


The effect of soil pH on phosphorus content of clover pasture, David Weaver, Robert Summers, David Rogers, and Peta Richards


Water quality study of the Muchea livestock truck wash, Simon Clarendon, David Weaver, Justin L.M Hardy, Claire Coffey, Robert Summers, David Rogers, and Peta Richards

Reports from 2019


Crop and climate suitability for irrigated agriculture in the Midlands area of Western Australia, 2nd edition, Leon van Wyk


Groundwater chemistry and salinity processes in the Myalup region, Adam M. Lillicrap and Richard J. George Dr


Groundwater investigations to support irrigated agriculture at La Grange, Western Australia: 2013–18 results, Robert J. Paul, Gregory Paul Raper, Richard J. George Dr, Nicholas J. Wright, Adam M. Lillicrap, and Peter S. Gardiner


Investigations of the potential for irrigated agriculture on the Bonaparte Plains: bore completion report, 2nd edition, D L. Bennett


Investigations of the potential for irrigated agriculture on the Bonaparte Plains: land capability assessment report, Henry Smolinski


Pindan soils in the La Grange area, West Kimberley: land capability assessment for irrigated agriculture, 2nd edition, Henry Smolinski, Paul Galloway, and Justin Laycock


Soil capability assessment for expanding irrigated agriculture in the Dinner Hill focus area, Midlands, Western Australia, Edward Arnold Griffin, Angela Stuart-Street, Leon van Wyk, and Peter Tille


Soil capability assessment for expanding irrigated agriculture in the Irwin focus area and surrounding lands, Edward (Ted) Arnold Griffin, Angela Stuart-Street, and Peter Tille

Reports from 2018

Crop and climate suitability for the Midlands area of Western Australia, Leon van Wyk


Distribution of classified soils in south-west Western Australia, Dennis van Gool, Angela Stuart-Street, and Peter Tille


Hydrological hazard assessment for irrigated agriculture in the Irwin focus area, Russell J. Speed and Adele L. KIllen


Shay Gap soil survey: investigating the suitability of soils and landforms for irrigated agriculture in the western West Canning Basin, Paul Galloway, Dennis van Gool, Justin Laycock, Karen Holmes, and David Rowe

Reports from 2017


Land capability assessment for expanding irrigated horticulture around Myalup, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia; DAFWA; and Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia

Reports from 2016


Cockatoo Sands in the Victoria Highway and Carlton Hill areas, East Kimberley: hydrogeology, aquifer properties and groundwater chemistry, D L. Bennett, John Andrew Simons, Richard J. George Dr, and Paul Raper


Identifying groundwater - dependent wetlands of the Broome Sandstone aquifer in the La Grange groundwater area, Nicholas Wright, Richard J. George Dr, Robert Paul, and Paul Raper


Identifying soil constraints that limit wheat yield in the south-west of Western Australia, Dennis van Gool


Identifying soil constraints that limit wheat yield in the south-west of Western Australia, Dennis van Gool

Pindan soils in the La Grange area, West Kimberley: land capability assessment for irrigated agriculture, Henry J. Smolinski, Paul Galloway, and Justin Laycock


Review of land capability assessment for the Swan Valley, Peter Tille and Angela Stuart-Street

Reports from 2015


Cockatoo Sands in the Victoria Highway and Carlton Hill areas, East Kimberley: baseline surface water quality, Don Bennett, Luke Donovan, and Duncan Palmer


Cockatoo Sands in the Victoria Highway and Carlton Hill areas, East Kimberley: land capability assessment for developing irrigated agriculture, Henry Smolinski, Shahab Pathan, Paul Galloway, Kus Kuswardiyanto, and Justin Laycock


Groundwater chemistry of the Weaber Plain (Goomig Farmlands): baseline results 2010–13, Adam Lillicrap, Richard J. George Dr, Arjen Ryder, and D L. Bennett


Preliminary soil and groundwater assessment of the Mantinea Development area, East Kimberley, Western Australia, Gregory Paul Raper, Richard J. George Dr, and Noel Schoknecht

Reports from 2014


Goomig Farmlands development Baseline water quality in the lower Keep River, D L. Bennett and Richard J. George Dr


Groundwater trend analysis and salinity risk assessment for the south-west agricultural region of Western Australia, 2007–12, G Paul Raper, Russell Speed, John Andrew Simons, A L. Killen, Andrew Blake, A T. Ryder, Rosemary H. Smith, Grantley Stainer, and L Bourke


Salinity risk mapping for assessing Carbon Farming Initiative proposals: decision support and data requirements, Paul Raper and Peter Gardiner

Reports from 2013


A review of the Broome Sandstone aquifer in the La Grange area, Robert J. Paul, Richard J. George Dr, and Peter Gardiner


Benefits and costs of saltland pastures on moderately salt-affected land, Justin Hardy and Arjen Ryder

Identification of high quality agricultural land in the Mid West region: Stage 1 – Geraldton planning region Second edition, Peter J. Tille, Angela Stuart-Street, and Dennis van Gool


Soil groups of Western Australia: a simple guide to the main soils of Western Australia (4th edn), Noel R. Schoknecht and Shahab Pathan

Reports from 2012


Agriculture futures: Potential rural land uses on the Palusplain, Rodney Safstrom and Nicolyn Short Dr


A report on the Gascoyne River catchment following the 2010/11 flood events, Peter-Jon A. Waddell, P W.E Thomas, and Paul A. Findlater


Changes in run-off and groundwater under saltbush grazing systems: preliminary results of a paired catchment study, D L. Bennett, Richard J. George Dr, and Richard Silberstein


Changing land use on unproductive soils, Andrew Blake, Mike Clarke, and Angela Stuart-Street

Identification of high quality agricultural land in the Mid West region: Stage 1 - Geraldton planning region, Peter J. Tille, Angela Stuart-Street, and Dennis van Gool


Observations of localised effects of the Busselton compensating basins on surface water, groundwater and soil salinity, D L. Bennett and Richard J. George Dr


Pastoral lease assessment using geospatial analysis, T P. Robinson, P E. Novelly, R Corner, Philip Thomas, and A Russell-Browm

Reports from 2011


Designing a soil pH monitoring network for the Western Australian wheatbelt, Karen Holmes, Pat Bellamy, and Jim Dixon


Groundwater chemistry of the Weaber Plain: preliminary results, Adam Lillicrap, Paul Raper, Richard J. George Dr, and D L. Bennett


Hydrological impacts of integrated oil mallee farming systems, D L. Bennett, John Andrew Simons, and Russell Speed


Mapping acid groundwater in Western Australia’s wheatbelt, Karen Holmes and Adam Lillicrap


Soil assessment of the Weaber Plain (Goomig) farmlands, Henry Smolinski, Justin Laycock, and Jim Dixon


Surface Water Characteristics of the Weaber Plain and lower Keep River Catchments: data review and preliminary results, D L. Bennett and Richard J. George Dr


Weaber Plain aquifer test results, Robert Paul, Paul Raper, John Andrew Simons, Grantley Stainer, and Richard J. George


Weaber Plain hydrogeology: preliminary results, Richard J. George Dr, John Andrew Simons, Paul Raper, Robert J. Paul, D L. Bennett, and Rosemary H. Smith


Wheat yield potential and land management constraints in the South West of Western Australia, Dennis van Gool

Reports from 2010


Cockatoo sands soil survey : assessment of the potential irrigation areas, Kununurra area, East Kimberley, Henry Smolinski, Kus Kuswardiyanto, and Justin Laycock


Implementing deep drainage to reduce salinity in the Date Creek Catchment, South West Western Australia, Derk Bakker, John P. Collins, and Justin Hardy


Managing storm water flow in the Neridup Creek catchment, A Massenbauer and A Rogerson


Modelling the impacts of a mixed forestry plantation on groundwater resources in the Beaufort River area, Western Australia, Paul Raper and Richard J. George Dr


Natural resource spatial information assessing user needs, S M. Pathan


Review of the State NAP and NHT2 Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, Ceidwen Pengelly


The distribution and origins of acid groundwaters in the South West Agricultural Area, Adam Lillicrap and Richard J. George Dr


The impact of community consultation to set resource condition targets for dryland salinity, Rebecca Heath, Susan Murphy-White, and Jamie Bowyer


Water erosion hazard assessment of the Lort and Young Rivers catchment, Karen Holmes, John Andrew Simons, B Marillier, N Callow, and Paul Galloway


Water management plan for the Shire of Woodanilling, Mark Pridham


Water management plan for the town of Dowerin, Mark Pridham


Water management plan for the town of Pingelly, Mark Pridham


Water management plan for the town of Wongan Hills, Mark Pridham

Reports from 2009


Barriers and drivers influencing adoption of perennial pastures on the south coast of WA, Jamie Bowyer and Rebecca Heath


Bringing us together : presentations from the Natural Resource Management Division meeting, May 2008, Georgina Wilson


Esperance area acid sulfate soil hazard mapping, Paul Galloway and Simon Clarendon


Esperance beef producers 2006 survey, H R. Jones and Matthew Ryan


Factors influencing perennial pasture adoption in the medium rainfall zone of the south west natural resource management region of Western Australia, Ned Crossley, Stephen Tunbridge, and Kathi McDonald


Farming for the future : industry practice baselines, Danielle England, Susan Murphy-White, John Noonan, Marie Shanks, and Jon Warren


Marchagee oil mallee study : drill completion and preliminary hydrogeological report, D L. Bennett and Adrian Goodreid


Opportunity costs of land degradation hazards in the South-West Agricultural Region : calculating the costs of production losses due to land degradation, Allan Herbert


Options for achieving and maintaining low salinity in agricultural dams, Tilwin Westrup


Pasture and livestock production from saltland pastures in the Beaufort flats region, West Woodanilling, John Paul Collins and Graydn Wilcox


Setting targets for resource condition in Date Creek catchment, Leon van Wyk and Gregory Paul Raper


Setting targets for resource condition in Doradine catchment, Leon van Wyk and Gregory Paul Raper


Setting targets for resource condition in Lake Towerrinning catchment, G Paul Raper and Leon vanWyk


Setting targets for resource condition in Upper Crossman catchment, Leon vanWyk and Gregory Paul Raper


Setting targets for resource condition in Yilliminning catchment, Leon van Wyk and Gregory Paul Raper


Surface water management in the Daping Creek Catchment, Tilwin Westrup


Surface water management in the East Yornaning Catchment, Tilwin Westrup


The impact of the "Profitable perennials" project on adoption : an evaluation, Jamie Bowyer and Rebecca Heath


The initial hydrological effect of deep drains at Wallatin Creek : (2006-2008), Richard J. George Dr and Grantley Stainer


Wilson Inlet catchment appraisal 2007, Ron Master

Reports from 2008


Drainage benchmarking in the Northern Agricultural Region : landholder survey, Alison Beattie and Angela Stuart-Street


Land resources in the South-West Agricultural Region : a shire-based summary of land degradation and land capability, Dennis Van Gool and Werner Runge


Lead concentration of soils in Sorby Hills area of proposed M2 irrigation area, East Kimberley, Edward (Ted) Arnold Griffin, Noel R. Schoknecht, Ross Brennan, Jane Speijers, Dave Allen, and Mike Freeman


Oyster harbour catchment appraisal 2007, Ron Master and South Coast Agricultural RCA Team


Setting targets for resource condition in Narrakine Gully and Highbury catchments, Leon van Wyk and Gregory Paul Raper


Understanding soil analysis data, M A. Hamza

Reports from 2007


Boyup Brook - upper Warren area : catchment appraisal 2007/ prepared by the South West ARM Region Appraisal Team., Henry Brockman


Esperance Lakes catchment appraisal 2007, A Massenbauer and Esperance Catchment Support Team (WA)


Farm water for the north-eastern and eastern wheatbelt of Western Australia (Zones 2 and 5), Susan Murphy-White


High rainfall rapid catchment appraisal South West Agricultural Region, Katie Bell