Works are published by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA and the former Department of Agriculture and Food WA.


Reports from 1982


Shire of Manjimup : a brief assessment of the physical land resources with respect to horticultural land use, M R. Wells and K E. Hawley


The problems and prospects of the Kimberley pastoral industry, R B. Hacker

Reports from 1981


Land degradation in the Fitzroy Valley of Western Australia, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia. Rangeland Management Branch


Wind erosion in the Jerramungup area 1980-1981, Bryan J. Goddard, M G. Humphry, and D J. Carter

Reports from 1977


Agricultural development in the north Kimberley : terms, conditions and farm size recommendations, D G. Wilcox, J Ripley, and R F. Johnson


Visit of working party on North Kimberley Agricultural Development to the area in July 1977, D G. Wilcox, J Ripley, and R F. Johnson

Reports from 1972


A report on the condition of the Gascoyne catchment, D G. Wilcox and E A. McKinnon