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The pastoral industry in the Kimberley region began in the early 1880s withthe introduction of cattle overlanded from Queensland and New South Wales into the East Kimberley and with the almost simultaneous introduction, by sea, ofboth sheep and cattle into the Fitzroy Valley.Occupation of the more accessible areas was gradually achieved by theprogressive extension of these two arms of settlement which ultimately metaround the present location of Fitzroy Crossing. Extensive development of themore rugged areas of the North Kimberley came later with the construction ofreasonable access roads to the few isolated stations which had been initiallyestablished in this area.
Number of Pages
Western Australia, Meat and livestock industry, Cattle husbandry, Range management, Kimberley region (WA), Pastures, Cattle farming, Beef cattle, Productivity
Agricultural Economics | Agriculture | Meat Science
Recommended Citation
Hacker, R B.
(1982), The problems and prospects of the Kimberley pastoral industry. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 6.
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