Works are published by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA and the former Department of Agriculture and Food WA.


Reports from 1990


Agroforestry : integration of trees into the agricultural landscape, P R. Scott


An economic model for evaluating strategies on the south coast of W.A. which reduce wind erosion : documentation, A D. Bathgate


Busselton - Margaret River - Augusta land capability study : methodology and results, Peter J. Tille and Neil Clifton Lantzke


Catchment drainage : three case studies, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia. Division of Resource Management and J E P Green


Costs of alternative irrigation systems for vegetable crops, G J. Luke and T C. Calder


Floristic survey of remnant vegetation in the Dandaragan area, Western Australia, Edward Arnold Griffin


Horticultural capability study of soils adjacent to plantations at Carnarvon, Western Australia, M R. Wells and J A. Bessell-Browne


Jerdacuttup land resource and capability study, Geoff Allan Moore, S T. Gee, and D Vincent


Kings Park soil survey, J A. Bessell-Browne


Preliminary groundwater and salinity investigation in the eastern wheatbelt. 1. Brennand's Catchment, Richard J. George Dr and P W C Frantom


Preliminary groundwater and salinity investigation in the eastern wheatbelt. 4. Kitto's Hillslope, Tammin - 1985-90, Richard J. George Dr


PUMPS : a method of financially assessing groundwater pumping used to mitigate salinity in south-western Australia, Richard J. George Dr


Response by Stylosanthes hamata and S. scabra to phosphate on three soils in the north-Kimberley of Western Australia, A McR Holm and Mario F. D'Antuono


Salinity and waterlogging on the Esperance Downs Research Station, D J. McFarlane and A T. Ryder


The impact of mining and mining exploration on range resources and pastoral pursuits in the Pilbara, Gascoyne, Murchison and Goldfields regions of Western Australia, H J. Pringle, G A. Carter, J L. James, and R E Y O'Connor


Toward better minimum tillage for south-coastal sandplain soils, W L. Crabtree


Using pumps and syphons to control salinity at a saline seep in the Wallatin Creek Catchment, Richard J. George Dr and P W C Frantom

Reports from 1989


An Assessment of soil capability for on-site effluent disposal, East Carnarvon, Western Australia, M R. Wells


Assessment of land capability for on-site septic tank effluent disposal, M R. Wells


Assessment of management strategies for reducing land degradation problems in the East Perenjori catchment, C J. Henschke, K J. Bligh, and R Ferdowsian


Catchment salinity : Report on a study of the east Perenjori catchment, C J. Henschke


Leschenault Peninsula : a study of land resources and planning considerations, Veronica P M Oma


Minimal soil disturbance sowing in New South Wales and its relevance to reducing water erosion in Western Australia, K J. Bligh


Report on the application of an evapotranspiration equation to the WACA Dome, P R. Scott


Review of the WISALTS bank installations, C J. Henschke


Small farmland experimental catchments in Western Australia, K J. Bligh


Soil management for sustainable agriculture : background papers from a workshop organized by the Research Review Committee of the Grains Section of the Western Australian Farmers Federation held at Perth Civic Centre, September 29-30, 1987, Western Australian Farmers' Federation and G A. Robertson


Soils of the Kojaneerup annex of the Mount Barker Research Station, P A. Findlater and P G. Muller


The relationship between the concentration of total soluble salts and osmotic potential in soil, ground and surface waters for several regions of Western Australia, H Borg


Water erosion on vegetable growing land in south western Australia, D J. McFarlane, N D. Delroy, H V. Gratte, J P. Middlemas, A M E van Vreeswyk, and I McKissock

Reports from 1988


A Method of assessing water erosion risk in land capability studies : Swan Coastal Plain and Darling Range, M R. Wells


Carlton Plains soil survey in the Shire of Wyndham, East Kimberley, T C. Stoneman


Code lists for computerized soil and land resource data recording, Peter D. King and M R. Wells


Evaluating prime agricultural land in the Shire of Manjimup, V T. Read


Preliminary groundwater and salinity investigations in the eastern wheatbelt 2. Merredin catchment, Richard J. George Dr and P W C Frantom


Problem districts for on-farm water supply in south Western Australia, I A F Laing, R G. Pepper, and A F. McCrea


Salinity in Western Australia : a situation statement, V T. Read


Soil conservation and management strategies for the Toolibin catchment, S J. Hearn


Soil factors affecting flood runoff on agricultural catchments in Western Australia, D J. McFarlane and J R. Davies


The concept of prime agricultural land : a Western Australian perspective, Vivian T. Read


The effect of small earth structures and channel improvements on the flooding of agricultural land in south-western Australia, J R. Davies, D J. McFarlane, and R Ferdowsian


The use of permeability, conductivity, conductance and resistance in the description of water movement in soils and plants, H Borg

Reports from 1987


An assessment of land capability for residential land uses : Babbage Island, Carnarvon, Western Australia, M R. Wells and Veronica P M Oma


A review of machinery for cropping with reduced water erosion, K J. Bligh


BANKS : a method of financially assessing banks used to mitigate water erosion in south-western Australia, John S. Salerian and D J. McFarlane


Consumption of water by livestock, G J. Luke


Direct seeding trees on farmland in the Western Australian wheatbelt, J P. Piggott, P H. Brown, and M M. Williams


DRAINS : a method of financially assessing drains used to mitigate waterlogging in south-western Australia, John S. Salerian and D J. McFarlane


Estimation of runoff volumes for ungauged catchments in the agricultural areas of Western Australia, J R. Davies and D J. McFarlane


Evaluation of risk factors leading to soil destabilisation on the south coastal sandplain of Western Australia, R V R Gwynn, P A. Findlater, and J R. Edwards


Evaporation data for Western Australia, G J. Luke, K L. Burke, and T M. O'Brien


Investigation of a saline valley on Allandale Research Farm, D J. McFarlane, R Engel, and A T. Ryder


Management of native vegetation on farmland in the wheatbelt of Western Australia, A M. Coates


Preliminary groundwater and salinity investigations in the eastern wheatbelt. 3. Welbungin and Beacon River catchments, Richard J. George Dr and P W C Frantom


Storage life of farm dams, G J. Luke and C G. Denby


Survey of research priorities in water erosion, waterlogging and flooding in south-western Australia, D J. McFarlane and E G. Barrett-Lennard


The Economics of saltland agronomy, John S. Salerian, Clive Malcolm, and Eddie Pol


The land resources and carrying capacity of Gascoyne locations 228 and 229, north of Carnarvon, Western Australia, M R. Wells, Veronica P M Oma, and Alexander McRae Holm


The Soils of Falls Farm catchment Cuballing Western Australia R.A. Sudmeyer., Robert Anthony Sudmeyer


The soils of South Carrabin Research Station -Light Land annex, Henry Smolinski and G G. Scholz


Water erosion in the Geraldton area during June-July 1986, K J. Bligh


Water erosion survey in the Northam district after storms in June 1986, D J. McFarlane and A T. Ryder


Water use by some crops and pastures in the southern agricultural areas of Western Australia, R A. Nulsen and I N. Baxter

Reports from 1986


Jandakot groundwater scheme area : a study of land resources and planning considerations, M R. Wells, N L B Richards, and A J. Clarke


Report on land degradation investigations : Kent River Soil Conservation District, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia; Ron Colman; and D J. Miers


Shire of Wanneroo : a study of land resources and planning considerations, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia; M R. Wells; and A J. Clarke


Study tour report research on soil structure and its relationship with cultivation practices in south east Queensland, C W L Henderson


The role of minimum tillage on the south coast sandplain soil : a literature review, W L. Crabtree


Waterspreading and waterponding in New South Wales and their relevance to Western Australia, J A. Quilty

Reports from 1985


A land resource survey of the Fall Point coastline, Broome, W.A., P A. Hesp and P J. Curry


Camballin irrigation area : a summary of cropping and pasture studies 1958-1970, Phongsak Yuhun


Impact of petroleum exploration activity on range resources and pastoral pursuits in the West Kimberley, N Klepacki, S J. Black, and M H. Marchant


Shire of Rockingham : a study of land resources and planning considerations, Veronica P M Oma, N L B Richards, and M R. Wells


Throughflow troughs for the measurement of shallow seepage on hillslopes, C J. Henschke and J A. Bessell-Browne

Reports from 1984


A land unit survey of the proposed Kings Park Botanic Garden annex, Wungong, M R. Wells


A resource survey of the coastal lands from Vlaming Head to Tantabiddi Well, West Cape Range region, P A. Hesp and J G. Morrissey


A study of alternative sites for equestrian/hobby farm development in the Karratha area, Bernard Kok

Coodardy Station : a report on hail damage 1984, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia. Rangeland Management Branch and D G. Wilcox

Doon Doon Station (formerly Dunham River) Kununurra, W.A. : project analysis and summary report, N Klepacki

Frazier Downs Station, Quimbeena Pastoral Co. via Broome, W.A. : project analysis and summary report, N Klepacki

Millijiddee Station, Fitzroy Crossing, Western Australia : project analysis and summary report, N Klepacki

Noonkanbah Station. Fitzroy Crossing, W.A. : project analysis and summary report, N Klepacki


Soil conservation research in New South Wales and its significance to research on water erosion in Western Australia, D J. McFarlane


Water erosion on potato land during the 1983 growing season Donnybrook, D J. McFarlane

Reports from 1983


A brief study of land capability in the coastal region of the shire of Harvey, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia. Soil Conservation Service; M R. Wells; and P A. Hesp


A description of the soils and geology of the Berkshire Valley experimental catchment, M R. Wells and D J. McFarlane


Agricultural water quality criteria : irrigation aspects., P R. George


An assessment of Wisalts banks at Dangin, C J. Henschke and J A. Bessell-Browne


Annean station management plan, A A. Mitchell


Hydrological studies in soil salinity, C J. Henschke

Karratha Station : inventory of the range and its management, Bernard Kok


Land resource survey report of the Brigadoon development proposal, M R. Wells

Meeberrie Station : an inventory of the rangeland and management recommendations, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia. Rangeland Management Branch and Alexander McRae Holm


Rural (non-irrigation) water supplies in Western Australia : a perspective to the year 2000, I A F Laing

Reports from 1982


Curbur Station : inventory of the range and its management, Alexander McRae Holm


Initial Development Plans for New Land, D J. Carder


Preliminary groundwater investigations in relation to soil salinity at Fitzgerald, Western Australia, C J. Henschke


Progress report on effects of contour banking on surface runoff at the Berkshire Valley experimental catchment (near Moora) 1961-82, K J. Bligh


Quobba Point chalet development land capability study [and] Environmental consideration, J R H Riches and L E. Chalmers


Review of current drainage investigations in Western Australia, R A. Nulsen