Coodardy Station : a report on hail damage 1984
Publication Date
Series Number
On December 26 and 27, 1983, severe thunderstorms occurred over a wide area in the mulga shrubland in Western Australia. One station affection was Coodardy, 30 km NW of Cue. This report delineates the area affected by the storm; describes the effects on the vegetation and soil; outlinews a number of second order monitoring sites which would be used to record recovery; and recommends management practices and physical developments which would promote recovery.
Range management, Coodardy Station (WA), Cattle farming, Erosion, Hail damage, Hail, Western Australia
Hydrology | Meat Science | Natural Resources and Conservation | Soil Science
Recommended Citation
Department of Agriculture, Western Australia. Rangeland Management Branch,
Wilcox, D G.
(1984), Coodardy Station : a report on hail damage 1984. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 27.
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