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Soil losses over a three month period varied from 10 to 49 mm.. Soil loss was most highly correlated with length of slope of the plots. Other important factors appeared to be slope angle and soil textures. Grade furrows appear to be the best method of breaking-up long slope lengths. The low capacity of the furrows requires them to be on grades of about 4 to 4 per cent to prevent siltation and overtopping during high density storms.
Number of Pages
Losses from soil, Erosion, Western Australia, Donnybrook (WA), Potatoes, Measurement, Water
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Hydrology | Soil Science
Recommended Citation
McFarlane, D J.
(1984), Water erosion on potato land during the 1983 growing season Donnybrook. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 26.
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