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Mining activity occurs very widely over relatively small areas of the rangelands. However, it is an intense landuse which can create significant offsite effects. Mining activity is most common around metamorphic 'greenstone' belts and broad drainages. Pastoralists reported both benefits and adverse affects as a consequence of mining activity. The main grievances related to unnecessary and excessive disturbance of pastoral land and the failure of operators to inform the pastoralist of their intentions.
Environmental impact, Rangelands, Goldfields region (WA), Western Australia, Gascoyne region (WA), Mining, Pilbara region (WA), Murchison region (WA)
Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment
Recommended Citation
Pringle, H J,
Carter, G A,
James, J L,
O'Connor, R E.
(1990), The impact of mining and mining exploration on range resources and pastoral pursuits in the Pilbara, Gascoyne, Murchison and Goldfields regions of Western Australia. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 116.
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