Meeberrie Station : an inventory of the rangeland and management recommendations
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Eleven land systems were identified, described and mapped. Potential feed status was assessed for each land sys;tem. The land systems were then ranked accordingly and stocking rates allocated. From this information the safe carrying cdapacity for the lease in good range condition was estimated to be about 15 200 small stock units. During the survey an assessment was made of the range condition and erosion status of the lease.
Range management, Beef cattle, Water supply, Cattle farming, Range pastures, Land use, Vegetation, Western Australia, Meeberrie Station (WA), Rangelands
Meat Science | Natural Resources and Conservation | Water Resource Management
Recommended Citation
Department of Agriculture, Western Australia. Rangeland Management Branch,
Holm, A M.
(1983), Meeberrie Station : an inventory of the rangeland and management recommendations. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 23.
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