Publication Date
Series Number
A land unit map of the region has been prepared at a scale of 1:50,000. Additional maps of climate, surface and groundwater supplies and existing land use have also been prepared at smaller scales. The capability of each of the land units to support grazing, market gardens, vineyards, orchards and forestry has been assessed. The limitations for housing on small rural lots have also been evaluated. Describes the methods by which the survey was undertakenand will be primary of use to the technical user.
Number of Pages
Margaret River region (WA), Busselton region (WA), Land resources, Land capability, Soil surveys, South west region (WA), Western Australia, Augusta region (WA), Land use planning
Natural Resources Management and Policy | Soil Science
Recommended Citation
Tille, P J,
Lantzke, N C.
(1990), Busselton - Margaret River - Augusta land capability study : methodology and results. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 109.
Maps are not included as part of the complete document download. If this report contains a map, it will be available in the Individual Parts list below.
Volume 2 with Appendixes
BMA_augusta map.pdf (198 kB)
BMA_boranup map.pdf (316 kB)
BMA_busselton map.pdf (434 kB)
BMA_margaret map.pdf (364 kB)
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