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This report provides areas, locations and properties of the main soil classifications identified in south-west Western Australia using current conventional soil map data. It is a reference point for classified soils in the south-west. It provides a way of communicating how soil properties or productivity are likely to relate to soils with similar classifications found elsewhere so that soil research or knowledge can be effectively shared around the state and across Australia.

This is a high-level summary of the relationships between the main soil classifications currently used in Western Australia. These are: • Western Australian Soil Groups, WASG (Schoknecht & Pathan 2013, NRInfo 2017) • the Australian Soil Classification, ASC (Isbell et al. 1997, Isbell & National Committee on Soil and Terrain 2016) • broad soil types, referred to as Ag Soils (Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia 2013, NRInfo 2017), and used in MySoils (MySoils 2017) • local soil names (Schoknecht & Pathan 2013, and local farmers).

The body of the report summarises these classifications using 17 simplified soil types or Ag Soils. The distribution of each soil type throughout the south-west is displayed on a map. Our knowledge of the current relationship of WASG and ASC classifications is shown, along with some general soil properties relevant to land management.

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soils, Western Australia Soil Groups, Australian Soil Classification, Ag Soils, south-west Western Australia


Agriculture | Soil Science

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