Publication Date
Series Number
RMTR 399
This is a novel approach using regional-scale information. The analysis estimated that:
- most of the wheat-growing land in south-west WA has one or more soil constraints
- about 1.6 million hectares (9% of the total area) are not suitable for cropping
- about 2.2 million hectares (12% of the total area) are suitable for cropping but are subject to many (more than 3) constraints; soil amelioration is unlikely to significantly improve profitable yield gain
- subsurface acidity extends over 12.6 million hectares (about 70% of the total area); about 7.6 million hectares of that area (42% of the total area) is estimated to have only 1 or 2 soil constraints, and treating the most-limiting constraint is likely to achieve a profitable yield gain
- subsurface compaction susceptibility extends over 13.2 million hectares (about 73% of the total area); about 5.7 million hectares of that area (about 32% of the total area) is estimated to have only 1 or 2 soil constraints, and treating the most-limiting constraint is likely to achieve a a profitable yield gain
- water repellence, surface salinity, subsoil alkalinity, low soil water storage, topsoil acidity and physical crop-rooting depth each restrict yield over at least 1 million hectares.
Number of Pages
soil constraints, wheat yield, land capability
Agriculture | Soil Science
Recommended Citation
van Gool, D.
(2016), Identifying soil constraints that limit wheat yield in the south-west of Western Australia. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report RMTR 399.
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