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A brief assessment of the soils of 2,064 ha of land on the Ivanhoe West Bank and their suitability for irrigated agriculture was conducted in May-June 1994. Sandy or loamy soils occur on broad levees adjacent to the Ord River, and areas of 'black soil' and 'red soil' plains occur behind these levees. Some areas of the red soil plain and levees are deeply dissected, and occasional active erosion is evident.
Natural resources, Flood irrigation, Resource management, Soil surveys, Irrigated farming, East Kimberley region (WA), Ord River Irrigation Area (WA), Soil, Land use planning, Soil types, Western Australia, Ord River region (WA)
Soil Science
Recommended Citation
Grose, C,
Schoknecht, N.
(1996), Soils of the Ivanhoe West Bank East Kimberley Western Australia. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 155.
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