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An assessment of the soils and landforms of approximately 12,000 ha in the Knox Creek Plain in Western Australia and the Northern Territory was conducted in May and June 1994. Seventeen map units were identified and their soils, landform and vegetation characteristics were described. Grey or brown cracking clays predominate on the plain, however variable red or brown soils on the coarser alluvium of remnant levees are common in the south and south-east.
Vegetation, Ord River Irrigation Area (WA), Soil, Land use planning, Australian Northern Territory, Western Australia, East Kimberley region (WA), Keep River (WA), Natural resources, Soil surveys, Land capability, Irrigated farming, Knox Creek Plain (WA), Knox Creek Plain (N.T.), Resource management, Flood irrigation, Soil types
Soil Science
Recommended Citation
Grose, C,
Schoknecht, N.
(1996), Soils of the Knox Creek Plain East Kimberley Western Australia and Northern Territory. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 153.
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