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A brief assessment of the soils of 1,186 hectares in the Mantinea Loop, and their suitability for irrigated agriculture, was conducted in June 1994. Four map units based on soil, landform and vegetation were identified. The soils are mainly calcareous brown fine sandy loams. The landform is an alluvial plain, with numerous small depressions and channels caused by the meandering and flooding of the Ord River.
Mantinea Loop (WA), Soil types, Ord River region (WA), Western Australia, Wyndham region (WA), Ord River Irrigation Area (WA), Land capability, Soil, Goose Hill region (WA), Irrigated farming, Mantinea Flats (WA), Soil surveys
Soil Science
Recommended Citation
Schoknecht, N,
Grose, C.
(1996), Soils of the Mantinea Loop Ord River Valley East Kimberley Western Australia. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 154.
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