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The name IMAGES stands for An Integrated Model of an Arid Grazing Ecological System. The model was initiated by Dr R. Hacker in 1987-8 as an activity to (1) evaluate alternative management strategies and (2) identify key ecological processes and research priorities in shrub rangelands of Western Australia. Version 1 of the model was published in Agriculture Systems in 1991 (Hacker et al. 1991) and here after will be referred to as IMAGES 1. IMAGES 1 is a vegetation model, capable of predicting the prob ility of recruitment and mortality of the desirable species in a given vegetation type under different types of grazing managements.
IMAGES (Computer program), Arid regions, Western Australia, Grazing, Mathematical models, Range management, Simulation models, Computer models
Agriculture | Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Recommended Citation
Yan, Z G,
Wang, K M.
(1996), IMAGES 2.1 : an Integrated Model of an Arid Grazing System. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 159.
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