Submissions from 1976
1976 South west sub clover root rot - white rust on rapeseed, M J. Barbetti
1976 - Strategic fungicide trials - botrytis seed vetches - benlate kabatiella subclover, A Bokor
1976 Phosphorus and sulphur sources trials, M D. BOLLAND
1976 Phosphorus and sulphur group, J. W. Bowden, R J. Lunt, K F. Longbottom, and W E. Hawkins
1976 Cereal disease survey - mycosphaerella graminum spore trap studies - s. nodorum yield, A G. Brown
1976 Inoculation - clover scorch screening - glasshouse - nodulation of pastures, D L. Chatel
The Oombulgurri Project Clancy Committee report, D J. Clancy, P McCosker, C Mayberry, A J. Millington, and P Ryan
1976 Potash trials, W. J. Cox
Abydos - Woodstock Pastoral Research Station 1946 - 1976, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
1976 Early crossbreds, C. M. Francis
1976 Trace element nutrition, J W. Gartrell
Summary of 1976 field trials, D J. Gilbey
1976 Experimental Summary, D. Gillespie
Experimental summary 1975/76, D J. Gillespie
Ryegrass control - cultural and chemical systems, J. E. Holmes and G. A. Pearce
Preliminary reports 1976, G C. MacNish
1976 Nitrogenous fertilisers for cereals, M. G. Mason
1976 Pasture species investigations - wheatbelt, N. R. McKeown
1976 Research results, J Moore and J Allen
1976 Pasture species investigations - high rainfall area, D A. Nicholas
1976 Report on field trials with early-maturing subterranean clover crossbred strains and selections, D A. Nicholas
1976 Sunflower-safflower irrigated variety trial 1976-1977, G J. Parlevliet
Summary of weed trials 1975, G. A. Pearce
1976 Field crop experiment, M. W. Perry
1976 Growing season results report, M L. Poole
1976 Long term rotation trials, Ian Rowland
1976 Control of silverleaf nightshade, P A. Rutherford
1976 Summary of results - sowing systems - fallow re-assessment, D Tennant
1976 Alternative grain legume species evaluation, G H. Walton
1976 Lupinosis, P McR Wood
Submissions from 1975
Summary of 1974 Weed control in lupin evaluations, J. G. Allen
1975 Weed control in lupin investigations, J M. Allen
Summary of 1974 Dock control field trials, J M. Allen
Summary of 1975 field experiments with advisers: "Rape blackleg disease fungicide trials", M J. Barbetti
1975 South West sub.clover root rot - 1975 cultivation experiments, M J. Barbetti and G C. MacNish
1975 Phosphorus and sulphur sources trials, M D. BOLLAND
1975 Phosphorus and sulphur group results, J. W. Bowden, B. Scurr, R Lunt, and M Baker
1975 Field experiments and cereal disease surveys, A. G. P. Brown
1974 Field experiments on legume seed inoculation, D. L. Chatel
1975 Clover scorch, D. L. Chatel
1975 Field experiments on legume seed inoculation, D. L. Chatel
1975 Part 1 - Rates and times of potassium applications on lupins cv Unicrop, W. J. Cox
1975 Part 2 - Rate, time and frequency of nitrogen application on kikuyu, W. J. Cox
1974 Seed yield of early maturing crossbreds under wheatbelt conditions, C. M. Francis
1975 Evaluation of new subterranean clover cultivars, C. M. Francis
1975 Mn drilled and sprayed on Unicrop, J. W. Gartrell
1975 Trials on doublegee, D J. Gilbey
1975 Preliminary reports - take-all survey - wheat and barley crops, G C. MacNish
1975 Nitrogenous fertilisers for cereals - trials with wheat, oats and barley, M. G. Mason
Summary of trial results - 1974, N R. McKeown
Summary of trial results - 1975, N. R. McKeown
1975 Pasture species investigations high rainfall area, D. A. Nicholas
1975 Wild oat genotype x environment interaction, J Patterson
1975 Weed trials - annual ryegrass, spray top, broadleaved weeds in cereals, wild oats, G. A. Pearce
Reduction soursob twelve months after treaqtment in cereal crops, J R. Peirce
1975 Magnetic seed treatment, M. W. Perry
1975 Soil fertility - grain lupins - long term rotation trials, Ian Rowland
1975 Control of silverleaf nightshade and saffron thistle, P A. Rutherford
Evaluation of the systemic nematicide Phenamiphos to control the nematode Anguina sp in toxic ryegrass pasture, B A. Stynes
1975 Fallow re-assessment and soil physical data accumulation, D Tennant
1975 Experimental programme with lupins, G H. Walton
1975 Drought responses of wheat cultivars - environment responses of subterranean clover., R N. Weir
1975 Lupin diseases, P M. Wood
Submissions from 1974
Summary of 1974 Phosphorus and sulphur group, J W. Bowden, B. Scurr, and R Lunt
Clover scorch: Summary of 1974 experiments, D. L. Chatel
1974 Potash trials 2. Yield data, W. J. Cox
1974 Potassium soil test calibration trials 1. Soil analysis, W. J. Cox
1974 Trace element nutrition, J. W. Gartrell
1974 The ecology and control of doublegee (Emex australis) and Emex spinosa, D J. Gilbey
Pasture deterioration - high rainfall areas, D J. Gillespie
Nitrogenous fertilisers for cereals: results from 1974 trials with wheat, barley and oats, M G. Mason
Pasture species investigations - wheat belt (May, 1975), N. R. McKeown
Pasture species investigations - high rainfall area 1974, D. A. Nicholas
Weed Trials 1974 Summary - Annual ryegrass control - wild oats - cereal tolerance to 2,4-D - annual ryegrass toxicity, G. A. Pearce
Experiments to measure the reduction of Soursob density., J R. Peirce
Lupin agronomy: time of planting, seeding rate and variety in a long season area., M. W. Perry
Interim summary 1974 experiments, M L. Poole
Long term rotation trials - Annual summary of results 1975, Ian Rowland
Fallow re-assessment - Wheat variety investigations- root growth and moisture use, D Tennant
Summary of experimental work 1974, G Walton
Summary of experimental results - Wheat protein survey, R Weir
Drought effects on wheat cultivars using trickle irrigation, R N. Weir
Submissions from 1973
1973 Seasonal results phosphorus and sulphur group, J W. Bowden
Summary of 1972 seasonal results "Decide" superphosphate rates on pastures, J. W. Bowden
1973 Legume seed inoculation, D L. Chatel
Part 3 - Nitrogen on pasture trials Summary of experiments plant research division 1973 trials, W. J. Cox
1973 Research report, C. M. Francis
Lupin Split Seed Pilot Trial - Esperance Downs Research Station., J. W. Gartrell
Mineral nutrition of Unicrop lupins, J. W. Gartrell
Nitrogenous fertilisers for cereal grains (wheat, barley, oats) and oil crops (rape), M. G. Mason
1973_Pasture species investigations - wheatbelt, N. R. McKeown
Summary of trial results - 1973, N. R. McKeown
1973 Pasture species investigations - high rainfall area, D. A. Nicholas
1973_Field - environment studies on lupins, M. W. Perry
Mineral nutrient levels in lupin crops affected by 'split seed'., M. W. Perry
Summary of 1973 Field Experiments with Advisers, M L. Poole
1973 Long term rotation trials, Ian Rowland
1973 Long term rotation trials - summary of results, Ian Rowland
Progress and data available for investigations, D Tennant