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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Trials were established in 1975 in the South West of WA to investigate the effect of time of cultivation, and nitrogen application, upon the incidence and severity of both tap and lateral root rot subterranean clover. Nitrogen application had little in the way of consistent effects. Cultivation reduced the levels of both tap and lateral root rot in many instances. These effects were most obvious and consistent at about the end of May. Cultivation just prior to or just after the break of season were the best cultivation treatments. Cultivation does appear to show some promise as a means of reducing levels of root rot. Assessments need to be made on pasture production to see if these cultivation effects on the levels of tap and lateral root rot are reflected in economic increases in pasture production. In 1974 trials were carried out to investigate the effect of nitrogen application and cultivation upon the incidence and, severity of subterranean clover root rot in South Western WA. The results from these trials were somewhat conflicting, the treatments sometimes being partially effective and sometimes having no effect. In the 1975 trials the aim was to investigate whether varying the time of cultivation reduced the incidence and severity of root rot. The effects of cultivation in Mid-December, mid-February, mid-March, and after the break of the season were examined, A nitrogen application was superimposed on each treatment to investigate any interaction between this nitrogen application and cultivation. 75BUI 75MAI 75DE1

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology | Soil Science | Weed Science
