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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops, Natural resources, Animal production and livestock


Department of Agriculture




In early August the Oombulgurri community requested assistance in the following terms.

"On behalf of the Oombulgurri Community, we invite assistance in developing the grain and pasture cropping at Oombulgurri. We have experimented with peanuts, sorghum, and many varieties of vegetables. This has tested the reality of hopes to expand acreage and varieties to become self-sufficient in stock feed. The Farm and Garden Guild now needs the expertise of your services to plan a four-year programme. vie need assistance in choosing from the many options, opinions and advices available from Australia and elsewhere, for grain production, pastures, methods appropriate to our geography, and machinery, to minimise expenditure and produce food for the stock expansion necessary to be self-sufficient in locally produced food for the town.

Our concerns so far have been to start poultry, pigs, goats and horses stocking to provide useful work for everyone and food „ ually increase production and decrease imports with the appropriate use of manpower, water and other resources. We believe we can produce stock feed locally and grad- We attach our initial estimates of need which includes an estimate of projected stocking and machinery needs as well as a list of what is on hand."

Number of Pages



Rural areas, Oombulgurri Community (W.A.), Agriculture, Land capability, Land use, Western Australia, North West region (W.A.), Wyndham region (W.A.)


Agribusiness | Agricultural Economics | Other Animal Sciences | Soil Science | Water Resource Management

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