Submissions from 1982
Pasture Research at Esperance., M D A Bolland
1. Phosphorus Sources Trials 2. Miscellaneous Trials, J W. Bowden, R J. Lunt, and M J. Baker
Trace element nutrition., R F. Brennan and M M. Riley
Phosphorus Nutrition on Leaching Sands., D. M. Deeley, S. M. Mason, and B. G. Barker
Senate Standing Committee on National Resources, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
Alternative pasture species to ryegrass for areas affected by annual ryegrass toxicity., P. Dixon
Low rainfall pasture project., M. Ewing
1. Doublegee dormancy 2. Lupins - Chemical tolerance of Kiev Mutant 3. Lupins - Simazine and Diuron plus mixtures 4. Lupins - PP009 5. Lupins - New herbicides 6. Lupins - SSH 0860, D. J. Gilbey and R. Klemm
Soil physical conditions and crop production, A. P. Hamlin
Experimental. Summary 1982 trials., J E. Holmes and R J. Thomas
Long term minimum tillage investigations, R J. Jarvis
Summary of experiments., T. N. Khan, K. Brain, and G. Oldfield
Take-all of cereals. Rhizoctonia patch of cereals. Minimum tillage trials, 1982., G. C. Macnish
Nitrogenous fertilisers for cereals and rape results from 1982 trials., M. G. Mason
Oilseed agronomy., A. G. Mckay
Season, growth regulant / Seed treatment / Foliar spray trials, D. Miers and M. Perry
Pasture species investigations high rainfall area., D. A. Nicholas
Summary of experimental results., J. Peirce and B. J. Rayner
Yield analysis of historically significant wheat varieties, M. W. Perry
Row spacing on wheat yield, M. L. Poole.
The effect of soil acidity on crop and pasture production, summary of experimental results, 1982., W. Porter., S. Carr., and R. Klemm.
Organic matter as a source of nitrogen., A. Reincke
Long term rotation trials, lupin wheat rotation, continuous cropping with nitrogenous fertiliser., I Rowland
Long Term Rotation Trials, Lupins, wheat rotation, Continuous cropping with nitrogenous fertiliser, I. Rowland
Deep ripping effects on cultivation pans, root growth, crop growth, soil water relations and yields., D. Tennant
Grass control in legume-grass pastures., C. W. Thorn.
Grain legume agronomy programme., G. H. Walton
Diseases of lupins and lupinosis., P M. Wood
Sulphur nutrition of pastures, Phosphorus and potassium nutrition of high rainfall pastures on deep sands and Soil acidity - high rainfall pastures., J. S. Yeates. and M. F. Clarke
Submissions from 1981
Loose smut of barley. Sub-clover root rot. Rapeseed diseases., M. J. Barbetti
Clover scorch fungicide trials, Cercospora leaf spot, Facial eczema investigation., A Bokor
Pasture trials at Esperance, M DA BOLLAND
Phosphorus Sources Trials. Miscellaneous Trials., J. W. Bowden, R J. Lunt, and M J. Baker
Septoria diseases of wheat, A. G. P. Brown
Legume seed inoculation, D. L. Chatel
Field techniques manual, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
Low rainfall pasture programme, M Ewing
1981 Trace element nutrition, J. W. Gartrell and R F. Brennan
Doublegee seed dormancy. Lupins -weed control,herbicides, new products, D J. Gilbey
Herbicides on tomato, capsicum and eggplant, D J. Gilbey
Kabatiella caulivor, root rot resistance, bluegreen aphid, asessment of Medicago murex, clover establishment techniques, D J. Gillespie
Spraytop/barley control, ryegrass herbicides, bromegrass control, J. E. Holmes
Minimum tillage, stubble management, deep ripping, newland clearing, residual chemicals, R J. Jarvis
Nitrogenous fertilisers for cereals and rape - Results from 1981 trials, M G. Mason
Nitrogenous fertiliser requirements in different cropping rotations 1981 results, M G. Mason and I C. Rowland
Rapeseed, oilseed phenology, linseed and sunflower trial, A G. McKay
1981 Plant viruses, G D. McLean, J Sandow, T N. Khan, P. A. Portmann, R McLean, and M Grimm
Experimental summaries., M W. Perry and R N. Weir
Growth regulator trials. Part 1, M W. Perry and R N. Weir
Summary of Results of Field Experiments., M L. Poole and A R. Thompson
Organic Matter as a Source of Nitrogen., A Reincke
Long term rotation trials., I Rowland.
Development of South East Asian Economies and Implications for Potential Agricultural Markets, K R. Rutter
Influence of planting systems on crop growth and soil water relations., D Tennant
Grass control in pastures., C W. Thorn
The effect of chemical grass control in pastures on subsequent crop production and take all levels, C W. Thorn
Grain legume agronomy programme, G Walton
Diseases of lupins and lupinosis., P McR Wood
Sulphur nutrition of pastures and crops, Phosphorus and potassium nutrition of high rainfall pastures on deep sands, Soil acidity - high rainfall pastures, J S. Yeates and M F. Clarke
Submissions from 1980
Phosphorus Sources Trials, M J. Baker and J. W. Bowden
Blackleg disease of rapeseed, loose smut of barley, foiliage diseases of sub-clover., M J. Barbetti
Regional Trials at Esperance, M DA BOLLAND
Septoria diseases, A. G. P. Brown
Legume seed inoculation, D. L. Chatel
Screening of clovers for resistance to clover scorch, D. L. Chatel
Potassium, W. J. Cox
Farm Prospects 80 Conference Proceedings, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
Low rainfall pasture programme, M Ewing
Pasture species research, C. M. Francis
Trace element nutrition, J. W. Gartrell and R. F. Brennan
1979 trial - Doublegee seed dormancy, lupins weed control, doublegee control in pasture, D J. Gilbey
Evaluation of Late Maturing Clover Cultivars. Woogenellup Alternative Clovers. Selection for Bluegreen Aphid Resistance. Root Rot Resistance., D. J. Gillespie
Grass control and minimum tillage herbicides, J. E. Holmes
Scald, blotch and powdery mildew general comments and highlights, T. N. Khan
General Phosphorus Trials, R J. Lunt and J. W. Bowden
Part I. Take-all of cereals, rhizoctonia bare patch. Part II. Minimum tillage trials 1980, G C. MacNish
Nitrogenous fertilisers for cereals, rape and linseed. Results from 1980 trials., M. G. Mason
Plant viruses, G D. McLean, T. N. Khan, and J Sandow
Pasture Species Investigations: Clover Cultivar Evaluation High Rainfall Area 1980, D A. Nicholas
DPX 4189 and other herbicides for weed control in wheat, G. A. Pearce
Weed control in pastures and cereals, J R. PEIRCE
Wheat potential yield trials 1980, M Perry, A Brown, R Weir, D Tennant, E Harvey, and L Linton
Wheat potential yield trials., M. W. Perry
The effect of soil acidity on crop and pasture production, W Porter, W Cox, and R Klemm
Organic matter as a source of nitrogen, A Reincke
Long term roatation trials. Lupins: wheat rotation. Continuous cropping with nitrogenous fertiliser., I Rowland
Weed control on roaded catchments, P A. Rutherford
A. Inoculum of the take-all fungus and prediction of take-all. B. Hypovirulent strains and control of take-all., K Sivasithamparam
Investigations of ryegrass toxicity, B A. Stynes
Influence of planting system on surface soil, physical conditions and soil water relations, D Tennant
Pasture Manipulation - Grass control the year prior to cropping, C W. Thorn
Lupin agronomy / Field pea agronomy / Alternative grain legume comparisons / cereal/legume mixtures, G H. Walton