
G Walton

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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Lupin agronomy, series 1 - growth factor interactions. To evaluate the relative influence that various growth factors exert on crop yield. Lupin agronomy, series 2 - harvest index response to density. To establish whether the harvest index of the plants at maximum crop yield density remains constant over a range of environmental conditions and whether differences exist between cultivars. Lupin agronomy - nutrition. To compare the grain yield response to potash rates. Grain legumes for wheatbelt rotations. To compare the soil fertility after one year growth of different legume species. In the 1981 experiments, Derrimut field pea yielded well, outyielding the lupin treatment in the drier wheatbelt sites. In the cereal year following the legume crops, all legumes gave large yield response relative to the cereal in 80N03, while at Boyup Brook, in spite of large calculated available N only the Illyarrie lupin treatment produced a large yield response. Erregqlla lupin rotation plots. To gather information on the ability of the hardseeded Erragulla lupin to regenerate as a grain crop as well as improve cereal crop yields in a lupin-wheat rotation.· Four identical experiments were set up in the Moora district; consisting of five lupin plots and five plots left to natural pasture. All plots will be cropped to cereal in 1982, left to regenerate in 1983 and recropped to cereal in 1984. Lupin/oat mixtures. To examine the relative growth and yield of lupin and oat components in various mixtures for grain yield and protein. Oat/pea hay mixtures. To determine the best mixture of oat and pea for hay yield, protein and digestibility. 81GE3, 81ME2, 81N08, 81BR1, 81BA5, 81GE17, 81GE18, 81TS24, 81WH18, 81MN6, 81MA1, 81MA2, 81M06, 81M07, 81GE6, 81TS3, 81ME3, 81M05, 81M014, 81E30, 81MA3, 80N03, 80BR6, 81M027, 81M028, 81M029, 81M030, 81AL87, 81BU10, 81MP1, 81AL87

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science | Weed Science
