
G C. MacNish

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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


A. Take-all of cereals. Take-all survey. Effect of nitrogen sources on take-all - 76LG25 (N = 50 kg/ha), 77E4 (N = 25 kg/ha), 77MT19 (N = 45 kg/ha), 77MT18 (N = 45 kg/ha) Oats (1977 Results).

Take-all and the economics of Agras No. 1 (1979 Results) – 79BA30 (N = 10 to 90), 79ES14 (N = 10 to 90), 79LG4 (N = 10 to 90).

Take-all, row spacing and rates of Agras No. 1 - 79ES41 (1979 Results).

Take-all and paddock grass history - 68NA1, 80NA58, 80NA59.

Take-all following cleaning crops - 79El2.

Take-all build-up on new land rotation - 78JE4.

Take-all build-up and rates of phosphorus on wheat - 78ES30.

Long-term rotation and take-all - 77ES8, 73SG16.

Take-all incidence in cereal/lupin rotation - 80JE15.

Continuous wheat and take-all - 74SG16.

Take-all and wheat cultivars - 77MT14A.

Take-all and effect of Dowco 444 - 80ES39, 80ES39 (Pot experiment), 80ES40, 80ES54, Basement l, Basement 2.

Yield potential assessment (root diseases only) – 80BA4, 80E4l, 80KA7, 80WH8.

B. Rhizoctonia bare patch. Rhizoctonia and sources of nitrogen (late application) - 79SG26 (1979 Results). Rhizoctonia mapping experiment - 80ES16. Rhizoctonia bare patch – control - 80ES38. Rhizoctonia and effect of Dowco 444 - 80ES17, 80ES17 (Core experiment).

PART II See separate at end of Part I. Page 86. Minimum Tillage Trials. Table 1 - Results 1977 to 1980 - 77Al6, 77A43, 78BA42, 77El8, 77E52, 77Ml3, 77M56, 78M25, 77MT15, 77MT51, 77WH17, 77WH88.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science | Weed Science

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