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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Evaluation of Late Maturing Clover Cultivars. Bacchus Marsh, Clare, Cyprus, Daliak, Denmark Dinninup, Dwalganup, Esperance, Geraldton, Harbinger, Karridale, Larisa, Meteora, Mt. Barker, Nangeela, Northam, Northcliffe, Nungarin, Pitman serradella, Plantagenet, Seaton Park, Tallarook, Tornfield, Trikkala, Yarloop, Woogenellup,

1. Evaluation of late maturing clover cultivars. Three trials established in 1977 and due to terminate in 1979 were continued into 1980 to obtain further data on the performance of the late yanninicum Meteora {39327YB). A full report on the performance of this variety in these trials was prepared for the Herbage Plant Liaison Committee and is reproduced below. Table 1 - Residual Hard Seed Percentage.

2. Woogenellup alternative evaluation. Two sites were sown in May 1980 to six crossbreds selected as possible replacements for Woogenellup. In each experiment Woogenellup and Esperance were sown as controls. Spring production figures were obtained from the Narrikup site but not from Esperance because of severe drought. Table 2 - Dry Matter Production Spring 1980 - Narrikup Yields in kg/ha (8 weeks' growth). Table 3 - Seed Yield of Woogenellup Alternative Clovers Summer 1980/81 Yields in kg/ha. 3. Selection for bluegreen aphid resistance. During 1980 over 140 clover varieties were tested in the glasshouse for resistance to Bluegreen Aphid (B.G.A.) All commercial clover cultivars were tested both as seedlings and as vegetative plants and the results are presented in Table 4. Table 4 - Legume Screening for B.G.A. Resistance Comparison of seedling and vegetative plant screening 4. Root rot resistance testing In 1979 only two selections had less root rot than the resistance controls (Daliak and Dinninup) , but in 1980 nine selections were identified as being more resistant. Twenty-three selections had more root rot than the susceptible controls (Woogenellup and Mt. Barker) in 1979 and 22 in 1980. Some of the results for 1980 are shown in Table 5 together with the 1979 result for the control varieties. Table 5 - Root Rot Performance of Some Clover Selections at Scott River (1980) and Denmark (1979).

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Western Australia


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