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DPIRD Collections

Biosecurity, pests, weeds and diseases, Grains and field crops


Sulphur - high rain fall areas. Rates and time of application of sulphur as superphosphate to pastures. 79AL2, 79AL23, 79AL41, 82BY7, 82BY8, 82PE2. Sulphur rundown on heavy soils - 81BY1. Sources, rates, time of application of sulphur to pastures. 80AL1, 80AL4, 81AL3, 81AL4. Sulphur - low rainfall areas. Sulphur on pastures 80JE16/17, 82AL9, 82KA4. Sulphur on crops 82ME68 (with G Fosberry). Phosphorus. Sources, rates, time of application of phosphorus on high rainfall deep sand pastures. 80AL2, 80ALS, 80AL15, 81AL5, 81KE2, 81MA4, 82AL10. Potassium. Sources, rates, time of application of potassium on high rainfall deep sand pastures. 80AL3, 80AL6, 81AL7, 81AL8. Soil acidity. Lime on old land pasture 81AL1O, 81AL12, 81AL13, 81AL14, 81AL15, 81AL16, 82AL2, 82AL3, 82AL4, 82ALS, 82AL6, 82AL55. Lime on new land pasture 81AL9, 82AL7, 82AL8.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science | Weed Science
