
M. G. Mason

Publication Date


Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Results from 1976 Trials on Wheat. Rates of nitrogen on wheat - soil test. In this, the second year of this programme, 49 sites were selected and soil sampled during February-March. Forty six of these trials consisted of four replications and the other three had three replications and all reps were soil sampled separately. In each rep. of the 46 trials. 20 samples were taken to 10 cm depth with pogo stick samplers. In the.other three trials 30 samples per rep. were taken. In addition, from three holes at random across each trial, bulk samples were obtained from the 0-15, 15-30 and 30-45 cm soil intervals. These soil samples were air dried (if not already dry) and sieved to remove the > 2mm fraction (gravel). 76A1, 76A2, 76AL2, 76AL3, 76BA1, 76BA2, 76C1, 76C2, 76BR1, 76E1, 76E2, 76ES3, 76ES4, 76ES5, 76GE4, 76GE5, 76JE1, 76JE2, 76KA1, 76KA2, 76LG2, 76LG3, 76LG4, 76M1, 76M2, 76ME2. 76ME3, 76ME4, 76MO7, 76MO8, 76MO9, 76MT1, 76MT2, 76N1, 76N2, 76NA2, 76NA3, 76NA4, 76NO2, 76NO3, 76NO4, 76SG1, 76SG2, 76TS6, 76TS7, 76TS8, 76WH2, 76WH3. Rates of N. P and Agras 18:18 plus for wheat - 76ES6, 76N3. Rates of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Agras 18:18 for Wheat - 76NA5. Rate of seeding varieties of wheat and barley - 76BR2. Continuous cropping wheat with nitrogenous fertilisers - 61M11.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Soil Science | Weed Science
