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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Experiments reported in this summary were conducted jointly with CM Francis. 1. Variety Screening - During 1974, two hundred and fifty-four varieties were screened for resistance to Kabatiella caulivora in small plots at Denmark. The test varieties included 49 that showed up as promising in previous years. The remainder included all the untested accessions for which sufficient seed was available. There were 239 sub. sp. Subterranean, 14 sub, sp. Yanninicum and 1 Brachycalycinum... - The plots were periodically inoculated with infected debris and rated for disease severity on a number of occasions. Lists of the most and least resistant clovers are shown in Tables 1 and 2 respectively. Most of the more promising ones were clovers that had proved most tolerant in earlier tests. - 2. Clover production and kabatiella - In 1973 an experiment at Denmark Research Station showed that the herbage production and particularly seed production of susceptible varieties was greatly reduced by clover scorch. The seed production of the more resistant varieties was not greatly affected. The trial was repeated in 1974 on a better drained soil using a wider range of clovers (Table 3)... The disease greatly affected the seed production of Yarloop and Woogenellup and had very little effect on Y26 and Mt. Barker (Table 3)... 3. DISEASE INCIDENCE SURVEY Overall the disease was more severe in 1973 than 1972. The Margaret River is the most severely affected area. (Table 4).

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Soil Science
